~ Pygame and Python - creating a game with various features

Create Main Menu Screen in pygame along with high scores feature (save to and view from text file)

Main Main Screen + High Scores (league table) feature in pygame

Finally, we come back to that element of competition and the fact that most games have some sort of system of storing scores and better still comparing them against other player's scores. This final bit of code gives you the functions to do various things: 1. Create a Main Menu Screen and write it to the screen, with the selection functionality to chose which screen you want to go to (e.g. play game or view high scores) 2. Produces the functionality to save high scores and enter the user's name - this will be done to a text file called highscores.txt -and also view high scores in a league table type format. Note in the video that it shows you the format for the folder structure, and that the highscores files (.txt) needs to be created. We have used a dictionary, but you can use whatever preferred format you would like!

Video Demo


You'll notice this final code is rather long as it includes the functionality for both the Main Menu Screen and High Scores

#A pygame based ball hitting game
#Get points for hitting the ball, with the ability to save high scores

import pygame
import random
import sys
import os
# Define some colors
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
BLUE = (0, 0, 255)


#Stores the required winning score
#The maximum play time for a round in seconds

HIGH_SCORE_FILE = 'highscores.txt'

#Set the max speed the player can move - changing this value can increase/decrease difficulty

#set the max speed the AI can move - changing this value can increase/decrease difficulty

#set the max speed the ball can move - changing this value can increase/decrease difficulty

#set the size of the ball - changing this value can increase/decrease difficulty

#Used to get all the high scores from a file
#returns a list of high scores and their creators in the form {'high':[name, score], 'mid':[name, score], 'low':[name, score]}
#The file itself is in the form high:name:score, mid:name:score, low:name:score
def get_high_scores(file_name):
    content = "" #Used to store content from the file

    #Check if the file exists, if it does exist...
    if os.path.isfile(file_name):
        #We open the file and save its contents to the content variable
        #When we open a file using with, the file is automatically closed after we
        #are finished, so we don't need to wory about closing it. If you're not accessing
        #a file in this way, you must remember to close it after use
        with open(file_name, 'r') as content_file:
            content = content_file.read()
    #If it doesn't exist, we create the file and populate it with default values
        f = open(file_name, 'w')
        content = "high::0,mid::0,low::0" #We also set content with the default values to avoid any errors in future code
        f.write(content) #write the contents to file
        f.close() #close the file

    content_list = content.split(',') #Split the content into different parts by splitting at every ','

    to_return = {} #create an empty dictionary that will be populated and then returned

    for element in content_list: #For each element in list 
        l = element.split(':') #Split the element into the title name and score sections, which are stored as a list in the variable l
        #use the first variable in the list l as the key in the dictionary to_return, which references a 
        #list containing the second and third values
        to_return[l[0]] = [l[1], l[2]] 

    return to_return #return the dictionary

#writes the high scores out to the high score file, taking the score dictionary and file_name as input
def write_high_scores(file_name, scores):
    f = open(file_name, 'w') #open the file for writing
    to_write = "" #create an empty string to store the data we will write to our file
    #cycle through the different scores, writing the values in the correct format and adding them to the string 
    for name in ('high', 'mid', 'low'): 
        to_write += name
        to_write += ':'
        to_write += str(scores.get(name)[0])
        to_write += ':'
        to_write += str(scores.get(name)[1])
        to_write += ','

    to_write = to_write[:-1] #Remove the last character from the two_write string - this is an unnecessary comma created by our loop
    f.write(to_write) #write the string to the file
    f.close() #close the file

#Updates the high score file with a new score, placing it in the relevant location (i.e. highest, next highest etc.)
#Depending on the score
def set_high_score(file_name, player_name, score):
    scores = get_high_scores(file_name) #get a dictionary of the current high scores

    #If we have a new high score, update the values in the dictionary
    if (int(score) >= int(scores.get('high')[1])): 
        scores['high'][0] = player_name
        scores['high'][1] = score
    #Else if we have a new next highest score, update this value
    elif (int(score) >= int(scores.get('mid')[1])):
        scores['mid'][0] = player_name
        scores['mid'][1] = score
    #Else if our score is lower than anyone elses, update this value.
    elif (int(score) <= int(scores.get('low')[1])):
        scores['low'][0] = player_name
        scores['low'][1] = score

    write_high_scores(file_name, scores)

def draw_set_high_scores(screen, player_name, high_score):

    font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36) #Choose the font for the title

    #Draw the title
    text = font.render("Save Your Score of " + str(high_score), 1, BLACK) #Create the text
    screen.blit(text, (200, 100)) #Draw the text on the screen

    #Set up the font for the text
    font = pygame.font.Font(None, 30) #Choose the font for the text, making it a bit smaller than the title

    text = font.render("First type your name.", 1, BLACK) #Create the text
    screen.blit(text, (220, 200)) #Draw the text on the screen

    text = font.render("Name: " + player_name, 1, BLACK) #Create the text
    screen.blit(text, (260, 250)) #Draw the text on the screen

    text = font.render("Press Enter to save your score", 1, BLACK) #Create the text
    screen.blit(text, (190, 400)) #Draw the text on the screen

#Draws the high scores on the screen
def draw_high_scores(screen, file_name):

    scores = get_high_scores(file_name) #Get the high scores as a dictionary

    #Set up the font for the title
    font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36) #Choose the font for the title

    #Draw the title
    text = font.render("HIGH SCORES", 1, BLACK) #Create the text
    screen.blit(text, (250, 100)) #Draw the text on the screen

    #Set up the font for the text
    font = pygame.font.Font(None, 30) #Choose the font for the text, making it a bit smaller than the title

    #Draw the rest of the options
    #Draw the highest score
    text = font.render("1st: " + scores.get('high')[0] + " - " + scores.get('high')[1], 1, BLACK) #Create the text
    screen.blit(text, (290, 200)) #Draw the text on the screen

    #draw the next highest score
    text = font.render("2nd: " + scores.get('mid')[0] + " - " + scores.get('mid')[1], 1, BLACK) #Create the text
    screen.blit(text, (290, 250)) #Draw the text on the screen

    #Draw the lowest score
    text = font.render("Lowest Score: " + scores.get('low')[0] + " - " + scores.get('low')[1], 1, BLACK) #Create the text
    screen.blit(text, (290, 300)) #Draw the text on the screen

    #Add instructions on how to escape the high scores screen and return to the menu
    text = font.render("Press E to return to the menu.", 1, BLACK) #Create the text
    screen.blit(text, (200, 400)) #Draw the text on the screen

#Draws the menu on the screen
def draw_main_menu(screen):
    #Set up the font for the title
    font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36) #Choose the font for the title

    #Draw the title
    text = font.render("WELCOME", 1, BLACK) #Create the text
    screen.blit(text, (280, 100)) #Draw the text on the screen

    #Set up the font for the text
    font = pygame.font.Font(None, 30) #Choose the font for the text, making it a bit smaller than the title

    #Draw the rest of the options
    text = font.render("1. P to Play", 1, BLACK) #Create the text
    screen.blit(text, (290, 200)) #Draw the text on the screen

    text = font.render("2. Q to Quit", 1, BLACK) #Create the text
    screen.blit(text, (290, 250)) #Draw the text on the screen

    text = font.render("3. S to Save", 1, BLACK) #Create the text
    screen.blit(text, (290, 300)) #Draw the text on the screen

    text = font.render("4. V to View High Scores", 1, BLACK) #Create the text
    screen.blit(text, (230, 350)) #Draw the text on the screen

#Draws the timer on the screen, showing the amount of time left to the player
def draw_timer(screen, x, y, time_left):
    font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36) #Choose the font for the text
    text = font.render("Time Left = " + str(time_left), 1, WHITE) #Create the text
    screen.blit(text, (x, y)) #Draw the text on the screen

#Draws the game over box on the screen for when we have collided
#With the AI player or the game runs out of time, we have added message_1 and message_2
#paramaters to the function definition so we can set which message to display to the user
def draw_game_over(screen, message_1, message_2):
    pygame.draw.rect(screen, WHITE, (150, 200, 400, 100), 0) #Draw a white box for the text to sit in

    font = pygame.font.Font(None,36) #Choose the font for the text
    text = font.render(message_1, 1, BLACK) #Create the text for "GAME OVER"
    screen.blit(text, (170, 220)) #Draw the text on the screen
    text = font.render(message_2, 1, BLACK) #Create the text for "You hit the other player"
    screen.blit(text, (170, 260)) #Draw the text on the screen

    font = pygame.font.Font(None, 28) #Make the font a bit smaller for this bit
    text = font.render("Press P to play again. Press E to return to the menu.", 1, WHITE) #Create text for instructions on what to do now
    screen.blit(text, (100, 350)) #Draw the text on the screen

#Create the text used to display the score and draw it on the screen
def draw_score(screen, x, y, score):
    font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36) #Choose the font for the text
    text = font.render("Score = " + str(score), 1, WHITE) #Create the text
    screen.blit(text, (x, y)) #Draw the text on the screen

#This function draws the ball
def draw_ball(screen, x, y):
    pygame.draw.circle(screen, GREEN, [x, y], BALL_SIZE, 0)

background_image = 'background.jpg' #file name of the background image

#This function draws the background on the screen 
#max_x and max_y are the maximum x and y values of the screen
def draw_background(screen, file_name):
    myimage = pygame.image.load(file_name)
    imagerect = myimage.get_rect()
    screen.blit(myimage, imagerect)

#This function draws the smaller user-controllable stick figure on the screen
#Colour and scale paramaters have been added to the stick figure so that different varieties of stick figure
#can be produced whilst using the same function, with the scale being used
#to adjust the size of the stick figure, and the colour being used to set the colour of the stick figures body.
def draw_stick_figure(screen, x, y, colour, scale):
    # Draw the Head
    #Each value is adjusted by the scale paramater to adjust the size of the stick figure
    #We have to convert this value to an int as scale may be a float, a type that is not
    #accepted by pygame.draw.ellipse
    pygame.draw.ellipse(screen, BLACK, [int(1 * scale) + x, y, int(10 * scale), int(10 * scale)], 0) 
    # Legs
    #Right leg (colour, length of leg....)
    pygame.draw.line(screen, BLACK, [int(5 * scale) + x, int(17 * scale) + y], [int(10 * scale) + x, int(27 * scale) + y], int(2 * scale))
    #Left Leg
    pygame.draw.line(screen, BLACK, [int(5 * scale) + x, int(17 * scale) + y], [x, int(27 * scale) + y], int(2 * scale))
    # Body
    pygame.draw.line(screen, colour, [int(5 * scale) + x, int(17 * scale) + y], [int(5 * scale) + x, int(7 * scale) + y], int(2 * scale))
    # Arms
    pygame.draw.line(screen, colour, [int(5 * scale) + x, int(7 * scale) + y], [int(9 * scale) + x, int(17 * scale) + y], int(2 * scale))
    pygame.draw.line(screen, colour, [int(5 * scale) + x, int(7 * scale) + y], [int(1 * scale) + x, int(17 * scale) + y], int(2 * scale))

#This function ensures that the number entered is between the range of the min and max values (inclusive). 
#If the number is outside of this range, we return the closest allowed value. I.e. if the max was 10 and the number
#entered was 12, 10 would be returned as this is the maximum value allowed
def keep_in_range(number, min_no, max_no):
    if (number < min_no):
        return min_no
    elif (number > max_no):
        return max_no
        return number

# Setup
# Set the width and height of the screen [width,height]

screen_size = [700, 500]
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(screen_size)
pygame.display.set_caption("My Game")

#A boolean variable that stores whever the game is over
#Starts off set to False
game_over = False

#A boolean variable that stores whether the game has ended due to time running out
game_ended = False
# Loop until the user clicks the close button.
done = False
# Used to manage how fast the screen updates
clock = pygame.time.Clock()

#Counts the number of times the screen has been redrawn, incremented for every pygame.display.flip()
step = 0

#Stores the score of the player
score = 0

#keeps track of the current game 'room', this is either the menu or the game

#Stores the player name
player_name = ""

#the users highest score whilst playing the game
high_score = 0

#Stores the step at which the last score was made
#Starts with a value of -100 so we can score on the first step of the game
last_score_step = -100
# Hide the mouse cursor
# Speed in pixels per frame
x_speed = 0
y_speed = 0

# Current position
x_coord = 300
y_coord = 1

#AI Players current position
ai_x_coord = 300
ai_y_coord = 300

#The AI players last position
old_ai_x_coord = 300 
old_ai_y_coord = 300

ai_moves = (-AI_SPEED, 0, AI_SPEED) #A list of moves that the ai player can make each turn

#stores the current direction the ai character is moving
ai_x_direction = 0
ai_y_direction = 0

#Balls current position
ball_x_coord = 300
ball_y_coord = 300

old_ball_x_coord = 300
old_ball_y_coord = 300

#Controls the different moves the ball can make, change these values
#To change the ball speed
ball_moves = (-BALL_SPEED, BALL_SPEED) 

ball_x_directon = 0
ball_y_direction = 0

#Stores the start time of the game in milliseconds
start_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() 
# -------- Main Program Loop -----------
while not done:
    # --- Event Processing
    for event in pygame.event.get():

        #If we are in the menu screen
        if room == MENU_SCREEN:
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                done = True
                # User pressed down on a key

            elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                #if p is pressed, the user wants to play the game
                if event.key == pygame.K_p:
                    room = GAME_SCREEN #we therefore move to the game screen

                    #And we reset all the variables ready for the game to be played
                    score = 0
                    step = 0
                    last_score_step = 0
                    x_coord = 300
                    y_coord = 1

                    ai_x_coord = 300
                    ai_y_coord = 300

                    game_over = False
                    game_ended = False

                    start_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() #reset the start time

                #If q is pressed, the user wants to quit the game
                elif event.key == pygame.K_q:
                    done = True #we set done = True to exit the loop

                #If s is pressed the user wants to save their score
                elif event.key == pygame.K_s:
                    room = SAVE_SCORE_SCREEN

                #If v is pressed, the user wants to view the high scores
                elif event.key == pygame.K_v:
                    room = HIGH_SCORE_SCREEN #set the room to the high score screen

        #If we are in the high score room, displaying the high score screen
        elif room == HIGH_SCORE_SCREEN:
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                done = True
                # User pressed down on a key
            elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                #If e is pressed, return to the menu screen
                if event.key == pygame.K_e:
                    room = MENU_SCREEN

        #If we are saving our high score, deal with inputs relevent to saving the score
        #Saving the score and getting the users name is more tricky than the rest of the game, to do it without any external
        #libraries, you have to convert object keys to chars and ensure they are within range of the alphabet.
        elif room == SAVE_SCORE_SCREEN:
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                done = True
            #if the user presses down on a key
            elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                #Check if the key is within range of the alphabet
                #This works as event.key is really just the ordinal value of an ascii character
                if (event.key >= pygame.K_a) and (event.key <= pygame.K_z):
                    player_name += chr(event.key) #Convert the ordinal value to a char and append it to player name

                #If the key pressed is backspace, delete the last character
                elif (event.key == pygame.K_BACKSPACE):
                    if (len(player_name) > 1): 
                        player_name = player_name [:-1]
                        player_name = ""
                #If they press enter, save the name and high score and return to the menu screen
                elif (event.key == pygame.K_RETURN):
                    set_high_score(HIGH_SCORE_FILE, player_name, high_score)
                    room = MENU_SCREEN


        #If we are playing the game, deal with all game inputs relevant to the game
        elif room == GAME_SCREEN:
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                done = True
                # User pressed down on a key
            elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:

                # Figure out if it was an arrow key. If so
                # adjust speed.

                if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
                    x_speed = -PLAYER_SPEED
                elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
                    x_speed = PLAYER_SPEED
                elif event.key == pygame.K_UP:
                    y_speed = -PLAYER_SPEED
                elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
                    y_speed = PLAYER_SPEED

                #If the game_over or the game_ended boolean is true, then we are on the game over screen
                #Players therefore have multiple options for what to do on these screens
                if (game_over or game_ended):
                    #If they press p, they have decided to play again, therefore we reset all the variables
                    #and set game_over to False so the player can try again
                    if event.key == pygame.K_p:
                        score = 0
                        step = 0
                        last_score_step = 0
                        x_coord = 300
                        y_coord = 1

                        ai_x_coord = 300
                        ai_y_coord = 300

                        game_over = False
                        game_ended = False

                        start_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() #reset the start time
                    #If they press e, they have decided to return to the menu, so we change the room to menu
                    elif event.key == pygame.K_e:
                        room = MENU_SCREEN
            # User let up on a key
            elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
                # If it is an arrow key, reset vector back to zero
                if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT or event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
                    x_speed = 0
                elif event.key == pygame.K_UP or event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
                    y_speed = 0
    # --- Game Logic
    #Only execute the game logic if we are on the game screen
    if room == GAME_SCREEN:
        #Check if Games time is up (it has been more than 30 seconds from when we started the game)
        if (start_time + (PLAY_TIME * 1000) <= pygame.time.get_ticks()):
            #If the time is up, set the boolean game_ended to True 
            #so we can display the correct game over screen
            game_ended = True 
        # Move the object according to the speed vector.
        x_coord = x_coord + x_speed
        y_coord = y_coord + y_speed

        if (x_coord < 0):
            x_coord = 0

        if (y_coord < 0):
            y_coord = 0

        #Adjust the x and y co-ordinates to ensure that the stick figure is kept on the screen and can't
        #travel off of it
        x_coord = keep_in_range(x_coord, 0, screen_size[0] - 10) #We adjust the upper limit of our allowed range to match the stick figures width
        y_coord = keep_in_range(y_coord, 0, screen_size[1] - 27) #We adjust the upper limit of our allowed range to match the stick figures height
        #Every 30 steps (screen draws) we change the direction the ai player is moving in
        #This makes the movement of the ai player look more realistic. This works because 
        #step % 30 is gives the remained when the value step is divided by 30, which will only
        #occur every 30 steps. You can experiment with changing this value and seeing how the ai 
        #character moves
        if (step % 30 == 0):
            ai_x_direction = random.choice(ai_moves)
            ai_y_direction = random.choice(ai_moves)

        #Update the old ai co-ordinate values
        old_ai_x_coord = ai_x_coord
        old_ai_y_coord = ai_y_coord

        #move the ai player in the chosen direction
        ai_x_coord = ai_x_coord + ai_x_direction
        ai_y_coord = ai_y_coord + ai_y_direction

        #Limit the ai character to ensure it stays on the screen
        ai_x_coord = keep_in_range(ai_x_coord, 0, screen_size[0] - 20)
        ai_y_coord = keep_in_range(ai_y_coord, 0, screen_size[1] - 54)

        #If our x co-ordinate has not changed, then we could have collided with a screen edge so we reverse the direction
        #This helps to keep the movement looking natural by preventing the ai player from repeatedly
        #moving along the edge of the screen
        if (ai_x_coord == old_ai_x_coord):
            ai_x_direction *= -1;
        #the same is true for the y co-ordinate
        if (ai_y_coord == old_ai_y_coord):
            ai_y_direction *= -1;

        #MOVE THE BALL
        #Randomly move the ball basically in the same way as the ai player
        #Every 50 steps update the ball direction with a new random one
        if (step % 50 == 0):
            ball_x_direction = random.choice(ball_moves)
            ball_y_direction = random.choice(ball_moves)

        #update the old ball coord
        old_ball_x_coord = ball_x_coord
        old_ball_y_coord = ball_y_coord

        #Move the ball in the chosen direction
        ball_x_coord += ball_x_direction
        ball_y_coord += ball_y_direction

        ball_x_coord = keep_in_range(ball_x_coord, 0, screen_size[0])
        ball_y_coord = keep_in_range(ball_y_coord, 0, screen_size[1])

        #If our x co-ordinate has not changed, then we could have collided with a screen edge so we reverse the direction
        #This helps to keep the movement looking natural by preventing the ai player from repeatedly
        #moving along the edge of the screen
        if (ball_x_coord == old_ball_x_coord):
            ball_x_direction *= -1;
        #the same is true for the y co-ordinate
        if (ball_y_coord == old_ball_y_coord):
            ball_y_direction *= -1;

        #Tests if the ball has collided with the player
        if (ball_x_coord - BALL_SIZE <= x_coord + 5) and (ball_x_coord + BALL_SIZE >= x_coord - 5) and (ball_y_coord - BALL_SIZE <= y_coord + 27) and (ball_y_coord + BALL_SIZE >= y_coord):
            #Register the score if it is more than 10 steps after the last score
            #This is necessary as the ball has a habit of double bouncing against the player
            #Meaning that we register multiple hits with only one true collision
            if (last_score_step + 10 < step):
                score += 10; #increment the score
                #reverse the ball direction
                ball_x_directon *= -1
                ball_y_direction *= -1
                last_score_step = step #record the step at which this score is made


        #Test if the player has collided with the ai
        if (x_coord - 5 <= ai_x_coord + 10) and (x_coord + 5 >= ai_x_coord) and (y_coord - 3 <= ai_y_coord + 54) and (y_coord + 27 >= ai_y_coord):
            print("COLLIDED WITH AI")
            game_over = True #set the game over boolean to True so we can trigger the end of the game

    # --- Drawing Code
    # First, clear the screen to WHITE. Don't put other drawing commands
    # above this, or they will be erased with this command.
    screen.fill(WHITE) #erase the previous screen
    #If the current room is the menu, draw the menu
    if room == MENU_SCREEN:

    #If the current room is the high score screen, draw the high scores
    elif room == HIGH_SCORE_SCREEN:
        draw_high_scores(screen, HIGH_SCORE_FILE)
    #Else if we are in the set high scores room
    elif room == SAVE_SCORE_SCREEN:
        draw_set_high_scores(screen, player_name, high_score) #Draw the set high scores screen

    #if the current room is the game, draw the game
    elif room == GAME_SCREEN:
        draw_background(screen, background_image) #draw the background

        #If the game isn't over we draw the game
        if not game_over and not game_ended:
            draw_stick_figure(screen, x_coord, y_coord, RED, 1) #draw the user controlled stick figure on the screen
            draw_stick_figure(screen, ai_x_coord, ai_y_coord, BLUE, 2) #draw the ai controlled stick figure on the screen
            draw_ball(screen, ball_x_coord, ball_y_coord)

            #Draw the score on the screen
            draw_score(screen, 550, 450, score) 

            #Calculate how much time is left by subtracting the current time
            #from the start time, and then this value from the maximum allowed time (30 seconds).
            #As these times are stored in milliseconds, we then
            #divide by 1000 to convert to seconds, and convert the result to an integer
            #value so that only whole seconds are shown.
            time_left = pygame.time.get_ticks() - start_time #find out how much time has passed since the start of the game
            time_left = time_left / 1000 #Convert this time from milliseconds to seconds
            time_left = PLAY_TIME - time_left #Find out how much time is remaining by subtracting total time from time thats passed
            time_left = int(time_left) #Convert this value to an integer
            draw_timer(screen, 50, 450, time_left) #Once we have calculated how much time is left, draw the timer

        #Else if the game is over (i.e. because we collided with the ai player)
        #We print the game over screen
        elif game_over:
            draw_game_over(screen, "YOU LOSE, SORRY TRY AGAIN", "You hit the other player!") #draw the game over screen
        #Else if the game has ended because the player has run out of time, we print a different game over
        elif game_ended:
            #If the score is >= 100, the player has one the game
            if score >= WINNING_SCORE:
                draw_game_over(screen, "YOU WIN THE GAME!", "Final Score: " + str(score))

                #If this score is the highest that has been achieved during this execution of the game
                #Update the high score variable
                if (score > high_score):
                    high_score = score
            #Otherwise they didn't win, so we draw a you lose screen
                draw_game_over(screen, "YOU LOSE, SORRY TRY AGAIN", "You didn't score enough points")
    # Go ahead and update the screen with what we've drawn.
    step += 1#increment step
    # Limit frames per second
# Close the window and quit.