Our resources include a LEARN module (with several different pathways for learners at different stages). The learning is heavily geared toward UK exam board learning objectives. the TEACH section includes power points on both beginner computing concepts all the way up to object orientated programming and tutorials in pygame with python. There are several series to select from so they can be tailored from year to year, or simply with different abilities and students. Finally, we also have the new 'test and track' feature under TEST which has self-marking automated tests for the whole of the programming and algorithmic thinking elements of the specificaton. Teachers can track progresss - say goodbye to hours of marking, and see more learning and progress checking taking place. All users can also avail of the CODE LIBRARY which has a growing library of all possible code snippets by category - very useful for programming or tackling projects.
Our sites contain useful resources that we hope will equip individuals or departments with the necessary engaging course materials to teach or deliver courses on computer science/programming & Enterprise. Schools (Primary and Secondary) looking to switch to a C.Science oriented syllabus, teachers, learners, course developers, industry, professional societies, university lecturers – there is something for everyone.
If you'd like to know more or have any questions/comments, we'd love to hear from you on
[email protected]
Why us?
100s of hours of work (pathways, online tasks and solutions, self-marking tests, a tracking feature, powerpoints and a lot more) that you could adapt for use in your teaching/learning. Save yourself both time and money! Ruth Benjamin Marvin was a former AST and Head of Computing at a secondary school in South London. She continues to teach Computing (which is her first love)
and also runs several online ventures in her spare time. Jonathan Marvin works as a lawyer and is involved with several church and ministry related activities. Together they founded what is now www.teachyourselfpython.com and the partner site: www.teachingcomputing.com. Additional sites including www.teachyourselfjavascript.com are in the pipeline.
If you'd like to know more or have any questions/comments, we'd love to hear from you on [email protected]