A user needs to view films. Present the user with a list and allow them to select (by index number) the film they wish to watch. You may chose to do this in a different way. Once they have viewed a film, pop a message up on the screen to tell them that they have viewed that particular film (genre and title). In the next bit we will look at storing these 'views' to file for intelligent profiling.
Note the field "likes" - this is where the likes will be stored for each film
0,Genre, Title, Rating, Likes 1,Sci-Fi,Out of the Silent Planet, PG, 0 2,Sci-Fi,Solaris, PG,0 3,Sci-Fi,Star Trek, PG, 0 4,Sci-Fi,Cosmos, PG, 0 5,Drama, The English Patient, 15, 0 6,Drama, Benhur, PG, 0 7,Drama, The Pursuit of Happiness, 12, 0 8,Drama, The Thin Red Line, 18, 0 9,Romance, When Harry met Sally, 12, 0 10,Romance, You've got mail, 12, 0 11,Romance, Last Tango in Paris, 18, 0 12,Romance, Casablanca, 12, 0
Note: See if you can do better (and you should be able to). The solutions provided are basic, and allow for discussion on possible alternative methods and solutions.
#Netflix type system demo - FakeFlix import csv import sys import string #for use in the secure password and other parts of the program #note in a later stage in the programming, we will be passing the parameter "username" to all functions so as to refer to the unique username def main(): menu() def menu(): print("************Welcome to FakeFlix Demo**************") print() choice = input(""" A: Please Register B: Login Q: Logout Please enter your choice: """) if choice == "A" or choice =="a": register() elif choice == "B" or choice =="b": login() elif choice=="Q" or choice=="q": sys.exit else: print("You must only select either A or B") print("Please try again") menu() def long_enough(pw): 'Password must be at least 6 characters' return len(pw) >= 6 def short_enough(pw): 'Password cannot be more than 12 characters' return len(pw) <= 12 def has_lowercase(pw): 'Password must contain a lowercase letter' return len(set(string.ascii_lowercase).intersection(pw)) > 0 def has_uppercase(pw): 'Password must contain an uppercase letter' return len(set(string.ascii_uppercase).intersection(pw)) > 0 def has_numeric(pw): 'Password must contain a digit' return len(set(string.digits).intersection(pw)) > 0 def has_special(pw): 'Password must contain a special character' return len(set(string.punctuation).intersection(pw)) > 0 def test_password(pw, tests=[long_enough, short_enough, has_lowercase, has_uppercase, has_numeric, has_special]): for test in tests: if not test(pw): print(test.__doc__) return False return True def register(): #user is prompted to input all the required fields print("Enter first name") global firstname firstname=input() print("Enter surname") global surname surname=input() print("Enter Date of Birth Format: dd/mm/yy") global dob dob=input() print("Enter first line of address") global firstlineaddress firstlineaddress=input() print("Enter Postcode") global postcode postcode=input() print("Enter Gender") global gender gender=input() print("Enter main genre of interest") global interest interest=input() print("Enter email address") global email email=input() substring=dob[-4:] #this sets the date of birth (last four characters that is the year) to substring print("Your unique username is", firstname+surname+substring) global username username=firstname+surname+substring #secure password checker passwordchecker() #note in a later stage in the programming, we will be passing the parameter "username" to this and other functions def passwordchecker(): password=input("Please enter a password - must be secure and meet our format requirements") if test_password(password): with open('fakeflixfile.txt','a') as fakeflixfile: fakeflixfileWriter=csv.writer(fakeflixfile) fakeflixfileWriter.writerow([username,password,firstname,surname,dob,firstlineaddress,postcode,gender,interest,email]) print("Record has been written to file") fakeflixfile.close() menu() else: passwordchecker() def login(): #set a variable (boolean type) to true if the user is NOT logged on notloggedin="true" #while the user is not logged on (i.e. while the login credentials provided do not work ...) while notloggedin=="true": print("***WELCOME - PLEASE LOGIN") #open the file we are reading from with open("fakeflixfile.txt",'r') as fakeflixfile: #prompt the user to enter their login details username=input("Enter username:-") password=input("Enter password:-") #call upon our reader (this allows us to work with our file) fakeflixfileReader=csv.reader(fakeflixfile) #for each row that is read by the Reader for row in fakeflixfileReader: for field in row: #search for the required matches in user entry against what is stored in the file if field==username and row[1]==password: print("Granted") displayfilms() notloggedin="false" def displayfilms(): print("*******************WELCOME to FAKEFLIX**************************") print("~What would you like to do?~") choice = input(""" W: Watch a film V: View your Recommendations K: Search by Title R: Search by Rating L: View your "LIKED" list Q: Quit FakeFlix Please enter your choice: """) if choice == "W" or choice =="w": watchfilms() elif choice == "V" or choice =="v": viewrecs() elif choice=="T" or choice=="t": searchbykeyword() elif choice=="R" or choice=="r": searchbyrating() elif choice=="L" or choice=="l": viewliked() elif choice=="Q" or choice=="q": sys.exit else: print("You must only select from the given options") print("Please try again") displayfilms() def watchfilms(): #Open the file for reading filmsfile=open("films.txt","r", encoding="utf8") #Create a list called displayfilms into which all the file lines are read into.... displayfilmslist=filmsfile.read() #print the list (that now has the film details in it) print(displayfilmslist) filmsfile.close() print("~What would you like to do?~") choice = input(""" Select a number to View a Film! or F: Return to the FakeFlix Menu Q: Quit FakeFlix Please enter your choice: """) if choice == "F" or choice =="f": displayfilms() elif choice == "Q" or choice =="q": sys.exit elif choice=="1": viewfilmfunction(1) elif choice=="2": viewfilmfunction(2) elif choice=="3": viewfilmfunction(3) elif choice=="4": viewfilmfunction(4) elif choice=="5": viewfilmfunction(5) elif choice=="6": viewfilmfunction(6) elif choice=="7": viewfilmfunction(7) else: print("You must only select from the given options") print("Please try again") displayfilms() def viewfilmfunction(x): #open the file as student file (variable) print("You are about to view Film:", x, "Enter the selection ID number of the film again to confirm viewing") with open("films.txt","r") as filmsfile: #prompt the user to enter the ID number they require idnumber=input("Enter the ID number you require:") #call upon our reader (this allows us to work with our file) filmsfileReader=csv.reader(filmsfile) #for each row that is read by the Reader for row in filmsfileReader: #and for each field in that row (this does it automatically for us) for field in row: #if the field is equal to the id number that is being searched for if field ==idnumber: #print the row fields (genre and title) corresponding to that ID number #create a list which contains the relevant fields in the row. viewedlist=[row[1],row[2]] print("You have viewed:", viewedlist) #the program is initiated, so to speak, here main()
Write your own summary of the problem. What are your objectives? List the success criteria
Test No. | Description | Test Data(input) | Expected Outcome | Actual Outcome | Further Action? |
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3 | |||||
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5 |