~ A quick start look at python, how it works, and attempting a few initial challenges

Python - Quick Start.

Absolute newbie to Python - Intro & Quick start guide!

We would recommend you go through the entire solve and learn series, starting with variables and all the way through to File Handling and Classes (advanced), but to get you started, why not attempt these initial challenges so you can get your head around what python is, how it works, and some simple examples to get you excited!

If you want your very own Python (version 3) at home, it's free, and it can be downloaded here:

In this quick start guide to Python, you will gain an overview of how python works, and look at the following: declaring variables, using functions, obtaining user input, working with strings and integers, selection (if statements) and some of the basics such as syntax errors, indentation and how to structure a program.

To use python in your browser, you can code on www.repl.it or www.trinket.io

Task #1: Creating a chat bot (artificially intelligent chat bot) in Python

Play around with the code below (you can either do it here or on repl.it or in your own version of Python if you've downloaded it).

  1. Ask the user for their favourite hobby, colour and what option they may select next year. Respond to the user based on their response
  2. Difficult: Ask the user to guess a number between 1 and 10. If they type ‘7’, say “Wow – you read your mind”, else, say: “Sorry, you are obviously not a mind reader”)

Video and Explanation

Task #2: A Program that converts pounds to Japanese Yen

Play around with the code below (you can either do it here or on repl.it or in your own version of Python if you've downloaded it).

1. Can you create a program that asks the user to enter a number (of hours), and return to the user the number of seconds in that many hours

Video and Explanation

Task #3: Create a Program that adds up three numbers, and fix the strange error below

The following code seeks to take two numbers as input, and then add them up. It doesn't quite work. Can you guess why? Look back at your chatbot code, and note what needs to be done with integers before working with them.

  1. Can you fix the error so that 3+2 is equal to 5 and not 32!?
  2. Adapt the program so that the user can add three number inputs, and add these together to produce an answer.

Video and Explanation

Coming soon!