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1 - Understand Algorithms (KS1)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - What is an Algorithm? 5 30
02 - What makes instructions clear? 5 30
03 - Speaking a computer's language 5 30
04 - How do programs work? 10 30
05 - Predict the output challenges 5 30

2 - Create and debug programs -Scratch (KS1)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Scratch Basics 10 30
02 - Scratch Programming 15 30
03 - Scratch Variables 10 30
04 - Scratch IF statements 10 30
05 - Scratch Loops 10 30
06 - Scratch Game design features 20 30
07 - Scratch Describe and explain 10 30

3 - Logical reasoning and prediction (KS1)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - An introduction to logical reasoning 10 30
02 - Pattern Recognition Test 10 30
03 - Predicting outcomes challenge #2 5 30
04 - Predicting outcomes challenge #3 5 30
05 - Logical Challenges #1 5 30
05 - Logical Challenges #2 5 30

4 - Create digital content (KS1)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Word Processor 10 30
02 - Desktop Publishing 10 30
03 - Presentation (Power Point) 10 30
04 - Databases 10 30
05 - Spreadsheets 10 30
06 - Creating Multimedia 10 30
07 - Creating Graphics 10 30
08 - Creating audio and sound files 10 30

5 - Use technology safely & recognise uses (KS1)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 -Uses of technology in society 10 30
02 - The importance of staying e-safe 11 30
03 - E-awareness. What do you know? 10 30
04 - Use technology safely 10 30

6 - Design, Write, Debug -Python Turtle (KS2)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
1 - Variables and Movement 10 30
2 - Repeating with Loops and Lists 10 30
3 - Multiple Turtles - understanding objects 10 30
4 - IF ELSE Statements 10 30
5 - Functions 10 30

7 - Code Studio -Create games (KS2)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Code Studio Part 1 0 30
02 - Code Studio Part 2 0 30
03 - Code Studio Part 3 0 30

8 - Computational Thinking (KS2)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Computational Thinking (Intro) 10 30
02 - Abstraction 10 30
03 - Decomposition 15 30
04 - Pattern Recognition 10 30
05 - Use of Algorithms (pseudocode/flowcharts) 15 30
06 - Logical Reasoning #1 5 40
07 - Logical Reasoning #2 5 40

9 - The Internet & Computer Networks (KS2)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Understanding the Internet 15 30
2 - What is the WWW 10 30
03 - What makes a good web page? 10 30
04 - How does the Internet send data? 10 30
05 - Introducing Networks 5 30

10 - Robotics and Physical Systems (KS2)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - What is a Robot? 10 30
02 - Robotics introduction 10 30
03 - Comptuers and Sensors 10 30
04 - Controlling physical information 10 30

11 - How do search engines work (KS2)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - What are search engines? 10 30
02 - How do we find things online? 15 30
03 - Indexes and Web crawlers 10 30

12 - E-Safety and using technology (KS2)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Dangers Online 10 30
02 - What are viruses and malware 15 30
03 - Should I trust everything I read on the web? 10 30
04 - Cyber Bullying 10 30
05 - The use of technology in the world 10 30

13 - E-Communication and Email (KS2)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Ways of communicating online 10 30
02 - What is Email? 10 30
03 - How does Email work? 10 30
04 - Using Email to communicate 15 30

14 - Input and Output devices (KS2)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - What is input and output? 12 30
02 - What are input and output devices? 10 30
03 - Name the device challenge 10 30
04 - Digital and Analogue 11 30

15 - Famous Computer Scientists

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
Charles Babbage 10 25
Alan Turing 10 25
John Von Neumann 10 25
Mark Zuckerberg 15 25
Bill Gates 10 25
Ada Lovelace 10 25
Grace Hopper 10 25

0 - Baseline Assessment

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
Globally recognised 10 question IQ test (11-16yrs) 10 40
Computing Aptitude (Beginner level < 14 yrs) 20 45
Logical Reasoning #1 5 30
Logical Reasoning #2 5 30

1 - Famous Computer Scientists

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
Charles Babbage 10 30
Alan Turing 10 30
John Von Neumann 10 10
Mark Zuckerberg 15 10
Bill Gates 10 20
Ada Lovelace 10 10
Grace Hopper 10 10

2 - Computing History

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
History of the Computer 10 10
History of the Internet 10 10
History of programming languages 10 10
History of Video Games 10 10

3 - Central Processing Unit

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
00 - Learning Resources 3 50
02 - CPU Performance 15 30
01 - Introduction to the CPU 15 30
03 - CPU Architecture 10 30
04 - Fetch Decode Execute Cycle 10 30
06 - Practice Test #1 50 40
07 - Final Test (55 questions) 55 65
05 - CPU Interesting facts and trivia 10 15

4 - Input, Output Devices

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Input, Output and Data Bus 20 20
02 - Hardware and Software 15 20
03 - Secondary Storage devices 15 40
04 - Types of Storage 20 20
05 - Storage Media and Devices 25 20
06 - Cloud Storage 15 40
07 - Practice Test 30 40
08 - Final Test 35 60
09 - Assessment (15 mins) MCQ and Short Answer 15 15

5 - Data Representation

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to Binary 10 30
02 - Introducing Number Systems 10 40
03 - Binary to Decimal 10 15
04 - Decimal to Binary 10 15
05 - Binary Addition 10 20
06 - Representing Images using Binary 15 15
07 - Practice Test 35 60
08 - Final Test 34 60
09 - Yr7 & 8 - Assessment (30 min) MCQ & Short Ans 20 35
10 - Year 9 Assessment (35-40 min) MCQ & Short Ans 25 50

6 - Computational Thinking

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Computational Thinking and Theory 10 25
02 - Abstraction 10 25
03 - Decomposition 15 25
04 - Pattern Recognition 10 25
05 - Use of Algorithms (pseudocode/flowcharts) 15 25
06 - Pseudocode 10 25
07 - Flowcharts 10 25
08 - Computing related Maths 25 25
09 - Practice Test 35 40
10 - Final Test 40 60

7 - Boolean Logic

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to Boolean Logic 10 25
02 - Truth Tables and Logic Circuits 15 25
03 - Logic Gates 20 25
04 - Truth tables and predicting output 10 25
05 - Logic Circuit Diagrams #1 10 25
06 - Definitions, Logic, and key concepts 15 25
07 - Practice Test 40 50
08 - Final Test 40 70

8 - Cyber Security and Risks

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to Cyber Security 10 25
02 - Cyber Security threats - dangers online 10 25
03 - Social engineering 15 25
04 - Malicious code 10 25
05 - Prevention of threats online 15 25
06 - Practice Test 25 40
07 - Final Test 40 60

9 - Javascript Programming (Learning Quizzes)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to Javascript 10 50
02 - Variables and building blocks 15 35
03 - IF, LOOPS, and getElementByid 10 35
04 - Functions GameDesign ASCII Movement Colour 10 60
05 - JavaScript Input data types and Output 20 35
06 - Working with Forms (getElementbyID, features 15 35
07 - Browser Object Model Document Object Model 25 35
08 - Manipulating Creating HTML Elements 10 35
09 - String Manipulation 15 35
10 - Advanced Loops (For, While, For in) 10 35
11 - Working with Arrays and more on functions 10 35
12 - JavaScript and Images 10 35
13 - JavaScript and Geolocation 10 50
14 - JavaScript and Date and Time 15 50
15 - JavaScript Events 10 50

10 - VB.Net Programming (Learning Quizzes)

Quizzes under development/editing - coming soon.

11 - Python Programming (Learning Quizzes)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
02 - Printing, Comments, Indentation 15 50
03 - Creating Functions 15 50
04 - Variables Types Constants Assignment 30 50
05 - User Input String 10 50
06 - User Input Integer 10 50
07 - Decisions Control Flow IF Else 20 50
08 - Operators Simple Calculations 15 50
09 - While Loops 15 50
10 - For Loops 10 50
11 - Validation 10 50
12 - Solving Mini Problems 10 50

12 - Programming Theory (Foundational)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
00 - Intro to Programming 10 20
01 - Indentation, Syntax and Intro 10 10
02 - Variables and Operators 10 10
03 - Functions and Parameter Passing 10 10
04 - Data Types and User Input 10 10
05 - Selection - IF, ELIF, ELSE 10 10
06 - Common Errors 10 10
07 - Simple Calculations 10 10
08 - Validation concepts 10 10
09 - Sorting and Searching Algorithms 10 10
10 -Intro to Loops 10 20
Practice Test #1 40 50
Test Final #1 45 45

13 - Scratch Programming (Test & Learn)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Scratch Basics 10 35
02 - Scratch Programming Concepts 15 35
03 - Scratch variables 10 35
04 - Scratch IF statements and loops 10 35
05 - Scratch Game Design features 20 35
06 - Scratch Describe #1 10 35
07 - Scratch Describe #2 10 35
08 - Practice Test 10 50
09 - Final Test 20 70

14 - Base Line and Aptitude testing (< age 14)

Quizzes under development/editing - coming soon.

15 - HTML (Test and Learn)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to HTML 10 30
02 - Basic Page Structure and Setup 15 30
03 - Useful commands in HTML 10 30
04 - Adding images or animations 15 30
05 - Formatting Text in different ways 10 30
06 - Hyperlinks 10 30
07 - Adding Javascript functionality 10 30
08 - Bootstrap websites 10 30
09 - General Questions #1 10 30
10 - Research plus questions #2 10 30
11 - Practice Test 20 60
12 - Final Test 20 60

16 - Networks for Beginners

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to Networks 20 30
02 -Network Topologies 15 30
03 - Performance of Networks 25 30
04 -Network Hardware 15 30
05 - Client Server and Peer to Peer 20 30
06 - History of the Internet 10 30

17 - Staying safe online, health & safety & basics

Quizzes under development/editing - coming soon.

18 - Spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to Spreadsheets 10 50
02 -Excel basics rows columns cells 10 50
03 - Editing cells in Excel & Formatting 10 50
04 - SUM Formula 10 50
05 - Formulas in Excel 10 50
06 - Functions in Excel 10 50
07 - Formatting in Excel 10 50
08 - Creating Charts in Excel 15 50
09 - Conditional Logic in Excel 10 50
10 - Sorting and Filtering in Excel 10 50
11 - Advanced Tips and Tricks 0 50

19 - Databases

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
00 - Project Walk Through 1 50
01 - Introduction to Databases 10 50
02 - Getting around Microsoft Access 10 50
03 - Table Basics 12 50
04 - Customising Tables 15 50
05 - Working with Forms 10 50
06 - Sorting and Filtering 10 50
07 - Designing queries (simple) 10 50
08 - Queries (advanced) 0 50
09 -Creating =Reports 0 50
10 - Advanced Concepts 0 50

20 - BBC Micro:Bit and JavaScript

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
1 -Micro:Bit and JavaScript Assessment #1 30 60

21 - Basic Algorithms (Easy)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - What is an Algorithm? 5 30
02 - What makes instructions clear? 5 30
03 - Speaking a computer's language 5 30
04 - How do programs work? 10 30
05 - Predict the output challenges 5 30

22 - Create digital content (ICT)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Word Processor 10 30
02 - Desktop Publishing 10 30
03 - Presentation (Power Point) 10 30
04 - Databases 10 30
05 - Spreadsheets 10 30
06 - Creating Multimedia 10 30
07 - Creating Graphics 10 30
08 - Creating audio and sound files 10 30

23 - Use Technology safely

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 -Uses of technology in society 10 30
02 - The importance of staying e-safe 11 30
03 - E-awareness. What do you know? 10 30
04 - Use technology safely 10 30

24 - Logical Reasoning and Prediction

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - An introduction to logical reasoning 10 30
02 - Pattern Recognition Test 10 30
03 - Predicting outcomes challenge #2 5 30
04 - Predicting outcomes challenge #3 5 30
05 - Logical Challenges #1 5 30
05 - Logical Challenges #2 5 30

25 - The Internet & Computer Networks

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Understanding the Internet 15 30
2 - What is the WWW 10 30
03 - What makes a good web page? 10 30
04 - How does the Internet send data? 10 30
05 - Introducing Networks 5 30

26 - Robotics and Physical Systems

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - What is a Robot 10 50
02 - Robotics Introduction 10 50
03 - Computers and Sensors 10 50
04 - Controlling Physical Information 10 50

27 - How Search Engines work

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - What are Search Engines? 10 50
02 - How do we find things online? 15 50
03 - Indexes and Web crawlers 10 50

28 - Email and communication

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Ways of communicating online 10 50
02 - What is Email? 10 50
03 - How does Email work? 10 50
04 - Using Email to communicate 15 50

0 - Self Assessing Past Paper Simulations

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - GCSE Mock Exam 1 Past Paper Simulation 25 60
02 - GCSE Mock Exam 2 Past Paper Simulation 20 70
03 - Tutorial #1+Past Paper Qs - if, string manip 10 60
04 - Tutorial #2+Past Paper Qs -if,loops 10 70
05 - Tutorial #3+Past Paper Qs -2d loops,lists 15 70
06 - Tutorial #4+Past Paper Qs -arrays,game 10 70
07 - Tutorial #5+Past Paper Qs -nested arrays 15 70
08 - Tutorial #6 - Caesar Cipher Tutorial & QA 15 70
09 - GCSE (Comp Systems) Part 1 (Exam simulation) 30 60
10 - GCSE (Comp Systems) Part 2 (Exam simulation) 25 60
11 - GCSE(Prog & Algorithms)Part1(Exam simulation) 30 60
12 - GCSE (Prog&Algorithms)Part 2(Exam simulation) 35 60

1 - Systems Architecture

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to the CPU 15 30
02 - CPU Performance 15 30
03 - CPU Architecture 10 30
04 - Fetch Decode Execute Cycle 10 30
05 - Parts of a CPU 15 30
06 - Von Neumann Architecture 20 30
07 - Fetch Decode Execute cycle #2 5 15
08 - Additional CPU Theory 30 20
09 - Embedded Systems 15 10
10 - Input, Process, Output, Data Bus 10 10
11 - Hardware and Software 10 10
12 - Secondary Storage 10 10
13 - Practice Test 35 60
14 - Final Test 45 70
15 - Past Paper Simulation -the processor (I) 16 50

2 - Memory

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Types of Memory 10 10
02 - RAM and ROM 20 10
03 - DRAM and SRAM 15 30
04 - Virtual Memory 15 30
06 - Practice Test 40 50
05 - Flash Memory 20 30
07 - Final Test 45 70
08 - Past Paper Simulation - Memory (I) 15 70

3 - Storage

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Types of Storage 20 10
02 - Storage Media and Devices 30 30
03 - Cloud Storage 15 40
04 - Data Capacity and Calculating Storage 20 10
05 - Practice Test 20 40
06 - Final Test 35 60
07 - Past Paper Simulation - Storage (I) 15 60

4 - Wired and Wireless Networks

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to Networks and Types 20 20
02 - Performance of networks 25 20
03 - Client / Server and Peer to Peer 20 20
04 - Network Hardware 15 20
05 - DNS, IP addressing 25 20
06 - Web sites and Web Hosting 10 30
07 - The Cloud - with advantages and disadvantages 10 30
08 - WIFI - frequency and channels encryption 25 30
09 - Virtual Networks 15 30
10 - Practice Test 40 70
11 - Final Test 50 70
12 - Past Paper Simulation -W and WI Networks (I) 15 50

5- Network topologies protocols and layers

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Network Topologies 15 30
02 - Network Protocols 20 30
03 - History of the Internet 10 40
04 - Circuit Switching and Packet Switching 10 40
05 - Four Layer Model 15 40
06 -TCP/IP and UDP 15 40
07 - Ethernet, WI-FI and FTP 20 30
08 - Email Protocols 15 30
09 - Practice Test 35 70
10 - Final Quiz 40 70
11 - Past Paper Simulation - Network Topologies(I) 10 50

6 - System Security

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to Security - the importance 15 20
02 - Authentication Methods 10 20
03 - Encryption, Firewalls and Mac Filtering 20 20
04 - Network Threats 15 20
05 - Denial of Service 10 20
06 - SQL Injection 20 20
07 - Malware, Viruses and Worms 20 20
08 - Preventing vulnerabilities 15 20
09 - Hacking - and famous hackers 20 20
10 - Practice Test 15 60
11 - Final Test 25 80
12 - Past Paper Simulation -System Security(I)#1 15 60

7 - System Software

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - What is System Software? 15 20
02 - Software Classification 20 20
03 - Operating Systems 40 20
04 - Utility Software 20 20
05 - Practice Test 30 60
06 - Final Test 35 70
07 - Past Paper Simulation - Systems Software (I) 15 60

8 - Ethical Legal Cultural Concerns

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Data Protection Act 17 30
02 - GDPR 15 30
03 - Computer Misuse Act 20 30
04 - Copyright Design and Patents Act 20 30
05 - Freedom of Information Act 15 30
06 - Environmental Concerns 10 30
07 - Ethics and Technology 10 30
08 - Culture and Technology 10 30
09 - Open & Closed Source and Creative Commons 20 30
10 - Wearable Technologies and Computer based impl 10 30
11 - Cracking and Hacking 10 30
12 - Copyright of Algorithms 10 30
13 - Practice Test 0 80
14 - Final Test 0 60
15 - Past Paper Simulation - Ethical/Legal (I) 10 60

9 - Computational Thinking

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Computational Theory, thinking and logic 10 40
02 - Abstraction 10 40
03 - Decomposition 15 40
04 - Pattern Recognition 10 40
05 - Use of Algorithms (Pseudocode, Flow Diagrams) 15 40
06 - Pseudocode 10 40
07 - Flowcharts 10 40
08 - Computing related Maths (e.g. Bodmas) 25 40
09 - Exponentiation, MOD, DIV 15 40
10 - Practice Test 35 70
11 - Final Test 40 70
12 - Past Paper Simulation -Comp Thinking(I) 0 60

10 - Algorithm

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Searching Algorithms 10 40
02 - Sorting Algorithms 10 40
03 - Binary Search 10 40
04 - Linear Search 10 40
05 - Bubble Sort 25 40
06 - Merge Sort 15 40
07 - Insertion Sort 20 40
08 - Interpret Algorithms using flowcharts 19 40
09 - Interpret Correct or Complete Algorithms #1 20 40
10 - Interpret Correct or Complete Algorithms #2 10 40
11- Trace Tables 10 40
12 - Efficiency of Algorithms Basics 20 40
13 - Practice Test 30 70
14 - Final Test 35 70
15 - Past Paper Simulation - Algorithms (I) 10 60

11 - Programming Technique

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Programming Basics 10 20
02 - Computational Thinking 10 20
03 - Variables and Data Types 15 20
04 - Arithmetic and Boolean Operators 10 20
05 - Searching Algorithms 15 20
06 - Sorting Algorithms 10 20
07 - Selection - If and Case Switch 10 20
08 - Program Flow 10 20
09 - While Loops 10 20
10 - For Loops 10 20
11 - Dictionaries 10 25
12 - String Manipulation 10 20
13 - File Handling 10 20
14 - Data storage and SQL 10 20
15 - 1 and 2d Arrays 10 20
16 - Functions and Procedures 10 20
17 - Parameter Passing 10 20
18 -Pseudocode and Flow Diagrams 10 10
19 - Predicting Output 10 20
20 - Testing and Errors 10 20
21 - Defensive Design and Maintainability 25 30
22 - IDE tools and facilities 10 20
23 - Coding Challenge #1 & Past Paper Simulation 10 70
24 - Coding Challenge #2 & Past Paper Simulation 10 70
25 - Coding Challenge #3 & Past Paper Simulation 15 60
26 - Coding Challenge #4 & Past Paper Simulation 10 60
27 - Coding Challenge #5 and Past Paper Simulation 15 70

12 - Data Representation

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to Binary 10 30
02 - Introducing Number Systems 10 40
03 - Binary to Decimal 10 30
04 - Decimal to Binary 10 30
05 - Binary Addition 10 30
06 - Representation of Images 15 50
07 - Units of Information (how we get memory) 20 40
08 - Binary Shift 15 40
09 - Hexadecimal 15 40
10 - Representing characters (text) 15 40
11 - ASCII, Unicode, EBDIC 10 40
12 - Representing Sound 45 40
13 - Compression 25 40
14 - Huffman coding 25 40
15 - Calculate number of bits saved 10 50
16 - Run Length Encoding 15 40
17 - Practice Test 30 70
18 - Final Test 50 70
19 - Past Paper Simulation -Data Rep (I) #1 20 60
20 - Past Paper Simulation -Data Rep(I) #2 10 50

13 - Robust Programs

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Defensive Design Techniques 20 40
02 - Validation and Verification 10 40
03 - Coding Validation Routines (vb.net and python 10 40
04 - Importance of Maintainability 10 40
05 - Purpose and Types of Testing 10 40
06 - Use of Test Data 10 40
07 - Syntax, Runtime, Logic Errors 15 40
08 - Practice Test 40 70
09 - Final Assessment Test 50 60
10 - Past Paper Simulation -Robust Programs (I) #1 15 60
11 - Past Paper Simulation -Robust Programs (I) #2 15 60

14 - Translators and Facilities of Languages

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - High and Low level languages 10 40
02 - Purpose of Translators 10 40
03 - Assembler, Compiler, Interpreter 15 40
04 - Common Tools in an IDE 10 40
05 - Assembly Language 20 40
06 - Little Man Computer 10 40
07 - Practice Test 25 70
08 - Final Test 30 70
09 - Past Paper Simulation - Translators (I) #1 10 50

15 - Boolean Logic

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to Boolean Logic 10 20
02 - Truth tables and logic circuits 15 30
03 - Logic Gates 15 30
05 - Logic Circuit Diagrams #1 10 40
04 - Truth Tables and predicting output 10 40
06 - Logic Circuit Diagrams #2 10 40
07 - Statement to Diagram Practice 10 40
08 - Definitions, Logic and key concepts 15 40
09 - Boolean Expressions and Diagrams 10 40
10 - Practice Test (40 questions) 40 80
11 - Practice Test #2 (10 questions) 10 30
12 - Final Test 40 60
13 - Past Paper Simulation - Boolean Logic (I) #1 15 50
14 - Past Paper Simulation -Boolean Logic(I) #2 14 60

16 - Cyber Security

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to Cyber Security 10 40
02 - Cyber Security threats - dangers online 10 40
03 - Penetration Testing 10 40
04 - Social Engineering 15 40
05 - Malicious Code 10 40
06 - Prevention of Threats 15 40
07 - Practice Test 30 60
08 - Final Test 45 70

17 - Software Development - creating projects

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Systems Life Cycle 15 30
02 - Project Management 10 30
03 - Software Development Models 20 30
04 - Testing: Importance of and types 10 30
05 - Practice Test 20 60
06 - Final Test 25 70

18 - Programming and Low Level Languages

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Evolution of Programming Languages 10 40
02 - Low Level Languages 10 40
03 - Assembly Language 20 40
04 - Little Man Computer 10 40
05 - High Level Languages 10 40
06 - Comparison low and high level languages 10 40
07 - Practice Test 25 70
08 - Final Test 30 70

19 - Learning to Life - People, History, Trivia

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - History of the Internet 10 40
03 - Hacking and Hackers 20 40
04 - Famous Tech Companies 10 40
05 - History of Facebook 20 30
07 - Big Data, the mystery 0 40

1 - Advanced Level Aptitude / Entry Tests

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - A Level Entry Level Aptitude 10 30
02 - Genius level aptitude (Coding) 10 30
03 - General Computing knowledge aptitude (Theory) 15 30
04 - Logical reasoning and Maths aptitude 5 30

2 - Computer Systems

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Hardware, Software 10 30
02 - Input and Output Devices 20 30
03 - Secondary Storage Devices 15 30
04 - Components of a Computer (types of bus) 25 30
05 - RAM and ROM 20 30
06 - Virtual Storage 10 30
07 - Past Paper Simulation -Comp Systems (A)#1 15 60

3 - Processor - Advanced concepts

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Structure and function of the processor 30 30
02 - Fetch Execute Decode Cycle 21 30
03 - Factors affecting CPU performance 15 30
04 - Instruction Set, Opcode and Operands 20 30
05 - Pipelining in a processor 15 30
06 - Interrupts and ISR in the FDE 20 30
07 - Stored Program Concept 10 30
08 - Von Neumann, Harvard and modern Architecture 15 30
09 - CISC and RISC processors 20 30
10 - GPUs and their uses 10 30
11 - Multicore and Parallel Systems 10 30
12 - Addressing Modes 30 30

4 - Software and Software Development

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - What is Software 10 30
02 - System and Application Software 15 30
03 - Utilities Software 10 30
04 - Open Source vs Closed Source 20 30
05 - Different Systems Development Life Cycles 20 30
06 - RAD 15 30
07 - Spiral and Waterfall Models 10 30

5 - Systems Software and Operating Systems

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - System Software 10 30
02 - Purpose of Operating Systems 10 30
03 - Types of Operating Systems 10 30
04 - Memory Management (Paging, Segmentation, VM) 10 30
05 - Scheduling, types and function 10 30
06 - Interupts and ISR in the FDE 10 30
07 - BIOS 10 30
08 - Device Drivers 10 30
09 - Linkers, Loaders and use of libraries 15 30
10 - Virtual Machines 10 30

6 - Translators Compilers Interpreters

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Types of Program Translator 10 30
02 - Intermediate languages (bytecode) 10 30
03 - Source code and object code 10 30
04 - Stages of compilation 10 30

7 - Compression, Encryption, Hashing

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Lossy vs Lossless compression 10 30
02 - Lossless: RLE and dictionary coding 10 30
03 - What is encryption? 10 30
04 - Cipher, plain text, ciphertext 10 30
05 - Symmetric and asymmetric encryption 20 30
06 - Different uses of hashing 10 30
07 - Caesar cipher 10 30
08 - Vernam cipher 10 30
09 - Additional Ciphers and security 10 30

8 -Advanced Databases and SQL

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Data Models and ERDs 20 30
02 - ERM and Indexing 20 30
03 - Flat file and relational databases 15 30
04 - Database definitions (keys) 10 30
05 - Normalisation 20 30
06 - SQL Part 1 20 30
07 - SQL Part 2 25 30
08 - Client Server Databases 15 30
09 - Data Capture Methods 15 30
10 - Referential Integrity 15 30
11 - Transaction processing and ACID 10 30
12 - Record Locking and Redundancy 10 30
13 - More on ERM and Indexing 25 50

9 - Networks

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Network Introduction 20 30
02 - Types of Networks 15 30
03 - Network Topologies 15 30
04 - The TCP/IP Stack 30 30
05 - DNS 15 30
06 - Protocol Layering 10 30
07 - Packet and Circuit Switching 10 30
08 - Network Hardware 15 30
09 - Client Server and Peer to Peer 20 30
10 - Network Security and Threats 15 30
11 - Past Paper Simulation - Networks (A) 20 60

10 - Wireless Networking

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to WIFI 10 30
02 - WIFI Components and Hardware 10 30
03 - WIFI network security 10 30
04 - CMSA/CA and RTS/CTS 10 30
05 - SSID 10 30
06 - Setting up WIFI yourself 0 30
07 - Past Paper Simulation - Wireless (A) 10 60

11 - The Internet

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - What is the Internet 20 30
02 - Packet Switching and Routers 25 30
03 - Main components of a packet 15 30
04 - Routers and Gateways 30 30
05 - Routing - how it works 30 30
06 - URL and internetworking 20 30
07 - FQDN, Domain name, IP address 15 30
08 - Organisation of Domain names 10 30
09 - Internet registries service and DNS 15 30
10 - Internet security - Firewalls 20 30
11 - Asymmetric and symmetric encryption 20 30
12 - Digital Certificates and Signatures 10 30
13 - Worms Trojans Viruses on the Internet 10 30

12 - Protocols and TCP/IP

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to TCP/IP 20 30
02 - The role of the four layers (ATNL) 30 30
03 - The role of sockets in TCP/IP 10 30
04 - IP and MAC Addresses 15 30
05 - Ports and Client Ports 15 30
06 - The different protocols 10 30
07 - FTP software and server 10 30
08 - SSH for remote management 10 30
09 - Email servers and how they work 10 30
10 - Web servers and browsers 10 30
11 - IP Address Structure 10 30
12 - Subnet Masking 15 30
13 - IP Standards 5 30
14 - Public and private IP addresses 10 30
15 - DHCP 10 30
16 - Network Address Translation (NAT) 10 30
17 - Port forwarding 15 30

13 - Client Server Thin Thick Client

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - What is the Client Server Model 10 30
02 - Web socket protocol 20 30
03 - Web CRUD and REST 15 30
04 - JSON and XML Comparison 15 30
05 - Thin vs Thick Client Computing 15 30

14 - Web Technologies

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - HTML 25 30
02 - CSS 25 30
03 - JavaScript 20 30
04 - Search Engine Indexing 15 30
05 - Page Rank Algorithm 15 30
06 - Server and Client Side Processing 15 30

15 - Data Structures (Advanced)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to Data Structures 15 30
02 - 1d 2d 3d Arrays 20 30
03 - Files Records and Files 10 30
04 - Linked Lists 20 30
05 - Graphs 20 30
06 - Stacks 20 30
07 - Queues 20 30
08 - Trees 20 30
09 - Binary Search Trees 20 30
10 - Hash Table 25 30
11 - Dictionary 15 30
12 - Vector 15 30
13 - Past Paper Simulation - DS 1 (A) 15 60
14- Past Paper Simulation - DS 2 (A) 15 60

16 - Data Representation and Types (Advanced)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01- Introduction to Binary 10 30
02 - Number Systems 10 30
03 - Binary to Decimal 10 30
04 - Decimal to Binary 10 30
05 - Binary Addition 10 30
06 - Binary Subtraction 20 30
07 - Representing Images using Binary 15 30
08 - Bitmap and Vector Images 25 30
09 - Units of Information 20 30
10 - Binary Shift 15 30
11 - Hexadecimal 15 30
12 - Representing characters 15 30
13 - ASCII, Unicode, EBDIC 10 30
14 - Representing sound basics 45 30
15 - Advanced Digital Sound 15 30
16 - MIDI 20 30
17 - Compression 25 30
18 - Huffman coding 25 30
19 - Calculate number of bits saved 10 50
20 - Run length Encoding 15 30
21 - Bitwise manipulation and masks 24 40
22 - Sign and Magnitude 15 30
23 - Twos Complement 20 30
24 - Unsigned Binary Arithmetic 10 30
25 - Floating Point Representation 30 30
26 - Floating Point Number Normalisation 15 30
27 - Floating Point Arithmetic (+ and - numbers) 15 30
28 - Floating Point Arithmetic (Add/Subtract) 5 30
29 - Rounding Errors 15 30
30 - Absolute and Relative Errors 15 30
31 - Range and Precision 15 30
32 - Underflow and Overflow 10 30
33 - Error Checking and Correction 10 30
34 - Past Paper Simulation - Data Rep (A) #1 15 60
35 - Past Paper Simulation - Data Rep (A) #2 12 50

17 - Algorithms (Advanced)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to Algorithms 20 30
02 - Classification of Algorithms 15 30
03 - Searching Algorithms Overview 10 30
04 - Sorting Algorithims Overview 10 30
05 - Searching Algorithms #2 15 49
06 - Sorting Algorithms #2 10 50

18 - Boolean Logic

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to Boolean Logic 10 30
02 - Truth tables and logic circuits 15 30
03 - Logic Gates 14 30
04 - Logic circuit diagrams #1 10 30
05 - Logic circuit diagrams #2 10 30
06 - Statement to Diagram Practice 10 30
07 - XOR, NAND and NOR Gates 20 30
08 - Advanced Logic Circuit MCQs 15 30
09 - Manipulate Boolean Expressions 5 30
10 - Use of Karnaugh Maps 20 30
11 - D type flip flops 30 30
12 - Half adders 15 30
13 - Full adders 15 30
14 - Additional Context and Trivia (Boolean Logic) 10 50
15 - Past Paper Simulation - Boolean Logic (A) 15 60

19 - Boolean Algebra

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Boolean Algebra Introduction 15 30
02 - De Morgans Laws 15 30
03 - Association 20 30
04 - Commutation 10 30
05 - Double Negation 10 30
06 - Distribution 15 30
07 - Identity and Idempotent laws 10 30
08 - Annulment law 10 30
09 - Complement and Absorptive laws 25 30
10 - Simplifying Statements #1 10 30
11 - Simplifying Statements #2 10 40
12 - Spot the law, general questions 20 40

20 - Legal, Moral, Cultural, Ethical

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Data Protection Act 0 30
02 - GDPR 0 30
03 - Computer Misuse Act 0 30
04 - Copyright and Patents Act 0 30
05 - Regulation of Investigatory powers 0 30
06 - Automated Decision Making 0 30
07 - Artificial Intelligence 0 30
08 - Censorship and the Internet 0 30
09 - Monitoring Behaviour 0 30
10 - Piracy and Offensive Communication 0 30
11 - Layout, colour paradigms and character sets 0 30

21 - Computational thinking and theory

Quizzes under development/editing - coming soon.

22 - Programming techniques

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01-Object Orientated Programming 10 20
02-OOP Key Concepts 10 20
03-Use of Classes 10 20
04-Abstraction and Inheritance 10 20
05-Polymorphism and Encapsulation 10 20
06 - Recursion 10 20
07 -Sorting Algorithms 9 20
08 -Searching Algorithms 10 20
09 - Arrays 2d and 3d 10 20
10 - Stacks and Queues 10 20
11 - Linked Lists and Arrays 10 20
12 - Binary Trees 10 20
14 - Graphs 10 20
Advanced Practice Test #1 0 10
Advanced Final Test #2 0 50
Advanced Test Final 0 50

23 - Computational Methods

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Abstraction 10 30
02 - Decomposition 15 30
03 - Use of Divide and Conquer 10 30
04 - Definitions (backtracking, heuristics etc) 10 30
05 - Thinking concurrently 10 30
06 - Backtracking 15 30
07 - Heuristics 10 30
08 - Performance Modelling 5 30
09 - Pipelining 10 30

24 - Searching Algorithms

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Linear Search 10 30
02 - Binary Search 11 30
03 - Binary Tree Search 15 30
04 - Binary Search #2 -additional questions 10 40
05 - Past Paper Simulation-Depth and Breadth first 15 60

25 - Sorting Algorithms

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Bubble Sort 25 30
02 - Insertion Sort 20 30
03 - Merge Sort 15 30
04 - Quick Sort 10 40

26 - Data Structure Algorithms (Stack, Queue, etc)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Graph Traversal Algorithms 20 30
02 - Tree Traversal 15 30
03 - Stack Algorithms 10 30
04 - Queues Algorithms 10 30
05 - Binary Tree Algorithms 10 30
06 - Linked Lists Algorithms 15 30
07 - Past Paper Simulation-Depth and Breadth First 15 60

27 - Optimisation Algorithms

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Optimisation algorithms introduction 25 30
02 - Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm 10 30
03 - A* algorithm 20 30
04 - Past Paper Simulation -Optimisation Algorithm 15 60

28 - Efficiency of Algorithms and Big O

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Order of complexity 25 30
02 - Limits of computation 10 30
03 - Maths for Big O Notation 15 30
04 - Efficiency of Algorithms 25 30
05 - Suitability of different Algorithms 15 30
06 - Past Paper Simulation - Big O(A) 15 60

29 - Comparison of different Algorithms

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Comparison of Algorithms 16 30
02 - Timewise and Spacewise comparison 10 30

30 - Object Orientated Programming

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to OOP 15 30
02 - Classes and Objects 15 30
03 - Instantiation 25 30
04 - Methods and Attributes 25 30
05 - Abstraction 10 30
06 - Encapsulation 15 30
07 - Inheritance 20 30
08 - Polymorphism 10 30
09 - Aggregation 10 30
10 - Composition 5 30
11 - Overriding and Overloading 15 30
12 - Public and Private attributes 10 30
13 - UML 20 30
14 - Class Diagrams 10 30
15 - General OOP #1 10 50
16 - General OOP #2 10 50
17 - Past Paper Simulation (OOP) 15 60

31 - Abstraction and Automation

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to Abstraction 15 30
02 - Information hiding 10 30
03 - Procedural, Functional, Data, Problem Abstrac 10 30

32 - Finite State Machines

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Finite State Machines #1 15 30
02 - Finite State Machines #2 15 30

33 - Assembly Language

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Machine code and assembly language operations 15 30
02 - Assembly Language 20 30
03 - LMC #1 20 30
04 - LMC #2 10 30

34 - Vectors

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to Vectors 0 30
02 - List and Dictionary representation of vectors 0 30
03 - Array representation of Vectors 0 30
04 - Visualising Vectors 0 30
05 - Vector addition and multiplication 0 30
06 - Convex combination of two vectors 0 30
07 - Dot or scalar product of two vectors 0 30
08 - Application of dot product 0 30

35 - Set Theory

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to set theory 0 30
02 - Finite and Infinite sets 0 30
03 - Countably infinite sets 0 30
04 - Cardinality of a finite set 0 30
05 - Cartesian product of sets 0 30
06 - Subsets, proper subsets and countable sets 0 30
07 - Set operations 0 30

36 - Regular Expressions

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introducing Regular Expressions 0 30
03 - Use of regular expressions in VB.Net 0 30
04 - Application of regular expressions 0 30
05 - Regular expressons and FSMs 0 30
06 - Regular language 0 30

37 - RPN and BNF

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Reverse Polish Notation #1 0 30
02 - Reverse Polish Notation #2 0 30
03 - BNF #1 0 30
04 - BNF #2 0 30

38 - Computable and non-computable problems

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Types of problems 20 30

39 - Models of Computation

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Halting Problem 20 30
02 - Turing Machine 25 30
03 - Transition function and state transition diag 20 30
04 - Universal Turing Machine 10 30

40 - Numbers (Natural, Cardinal etc)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Natural Numbers 0 30
02 - Integer Numbers 0 30
03 - Rational Numbers 0 30
04 - Irrational Numbers 0 30
05 - Real Numbers 0 30
06 - Ordinal Numbers 0 30
07 - Counting and Measurement 0 30

41 - Programming languages and Paradigms

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Programming paradigms 0 30
02 - Classification of Programming Languages 0 30
03 - Procedural Languages 0 30
04 - Low level vs High Level Languages 0 30
05 - Imperative High Level Languages 0 30
06 - Machine code and Assembly Language 0 30
07 - Addressing Modes 0 30
08 - OOP Languages 0 30

42 - Big Data

Quizzes under development/editing - coming soon.

43 - Functional Programming

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Functional Programming Paradigm 0 30
02 - First-class object 0 30
03 - Function application 0 30
04 - Partial function application 0 30
05 - Composition of functions 0 30
06 - Functional Language Programs 0 30
07 - Map, filter, reduce, fold 0 30
08 - Lists in functional programming 0 30

44 - Communication Methods

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Serial and parallel transmission 25 30
02 - Synchronous and asynchronous transmission 15 30
03 - Start and Stop bits in asynchronous transmiss 10 30
04 - Definitions (baud rate, bit rate, bandwidth e 15 30
05 - Baud rate and Bit rate 20 30
06 - Bit rate and Bandwidth comparison 10 30
07 - Exam Practice questions (mixed) 15 30

45 - Quantum Computing

Quizzes under development/editing - coming soon.

46 - Robotics

Quizzes under development/editing - coming soon.

47 - Past Paper Simulations

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Comp Systems Part 1 (Exam Simulation) 40 70
02 - Prog&Algorithms Part 1 (Exam Simulation) 35 70


Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Indentation, Syntax and Intro 10 10
02 - Variables and Operators 10 10
03 - Functions and Parameter Passing 10 10
04 - Data Types and User Input 10 10
05 - Selection - IF, ELIF, ELSE 10 10
06 - Common Errors 10 10
07 - Selection - If and Case Switch 10 20
07 - Simple Calculations 10 10
08 - Validation concepts 10 10
09 - Sorting and Searching Algorithms 10 10
10 -Intro to Loops 10 20
Practice Test #1 40 50
Test Final #1 45 45


Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Programming Basics 10 20
02 - Computational Thinking 10 20
03 - Variables and Data Types 15 20
04 - Arithmetic and Boolean Operators 10 20
05 - Searching Algorithms 15 20
06 - Sorting Algorithms 10 20
08 - Program Flow 10 20
09 - While Loops 10 20
10 - For Loops 10 20
11 - Dictionaries 10 25
12 - String Manipulation 10 20
13 - File Handling 10 20
14 - Data storage and SQL 10 20
15 - 1 and 2d Arrays 10 20
16 - Functions and Procedures 10 20
17 - Parameter Passing 10 20
18 -Pseudocode and Flow Diagrams 10 10
19 - Predicting Output 10 20
20 - Testing and Errors 10 20
21 - Defensive Design and Maintainability 25 30
22 - IDE tools and facilities 10 20


Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01-Object Orientated Programming 10 20
02-OOP Key Concepts 10 20
03-Use of Classes 10 20
04-Abstraction and Inheritance 10 20
05-Polymorphism and Encapsulation 10 20
06 - Recursion 10 20
07 -Sorting Algorithms 9 20
08 -Searching Algorithms 10 20
09 - Arrays 2d and 3d 10 20
10 - Stacks and Queues 10 20
11 - Linked Lists and Arrays 10 20
12 - Binary Trees 10 20
13 - Hash Tables 10 20
14 - Graphs 10 20
Advanced Practice Test #1 0 10
Advanced Final Test #2 0 50
Advanced Test Final 0 50

0 - Intro to Computer Science and Programming

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
1 - Introduction to CS and Programming 20 60
2 - Introducing Selection, Casting, more coding 20 60
3 - Create a complete app - covid-19 tracker 20 60
4 - Iteration, For and While Loops, Mandelbrot 20 20

1 - Turtle (Python coding concepts for beginners)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
1 - Variables and Movement 10 20
2 - Repeating with Loops and Lists 10 20
3 - Multiple Turtles - understanding objects 10 30
4 - IF ELSE Statements 10 20
5 - Functions 10 20
6 - Create a Universe (tutorial + test) 10 1000

2 - Python for Beginners (Foundations)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introducing Python 10 50
02 - Printing, Comments, Indentation 15 50
03 - Creating Functions 15 50
04 - Variables Types Constants Assignment 30 50
05 - User Input String 10 50
06 - User Input Integer 10 50
07 - Decisions Control Flow IF Else 20 50
08 - Operators Simple Calculations 15 50
09 - While Loops 15 50
10 - For Loops 10 50
11 - Validation 10 50
12 - Solving Mini Problems 10 50

3 - Intermediate Python (Delve Deeper)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Selection (IF,ELSE) 15 50
02 - Iteration: While and For Loops 20 50
03 - Boolean and Bitwise operators 15 50
04 - Arithmetic operators MOD, DIV EXP etc 15 50
05 - Relational and Assignment operators 15 50
06 - Validation Routines 10 50
07 - Nested Loops 10 50
08 - Lists and Introducing Arrays 15 50
09 - 1d 2d and 3d Arrays 20 50
10 - String Manipulation #1 20 50
11 - String Manipulation #2 10 50
12 - Dictionaries (Key Value Pairs) 10 50
13 - File Handling 25 50
14 - General Overview Test #1 (password protected) 25 30
15 - Tutorial #1 + Past Paper Qs (IF,String Manip) 10 70
16 - Tutorial #2 + Past Paper Qs (IF,Loop,Lists) 10 70
17 - Tutorial #3 + Past Paper Qs (2d,game 15 70
18 - Tutorial #4 + Past Paper Q (2d arrays,nested) 10 70
19 - Tutorial #5 + Caesar Cipher with QA 15 70

4 - Advanced Python (Complex concepts)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01-Object Orientated Programming 10 70
02-OOP Key Concepts 10 70
03-Use of Classes 10 70
04-Abstraction and Inheritance 10 70
05-Polymorphism and Encapsulation 10 70
06 - Recursion 10 70
07 -Sorting Algorithms 9 70
08 -Searching Algorithms 10 70
09 - Arrays 2d and 3d 10 70
10 - Stacks and Queues 10 70
11 - Linked Lists and Arrays 10 70
12 - Binary Trees 10 70
13 - Hash tables 10 70
14 - Graphs 10 70
15 - Regular Expressions 0 70
16 - A* Algorithm 20 70
17 - Dijkstra's Algorithm 10 70

5 - Machine Learning and AI

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
Machine Learning, concepts and Python - general 20 30

6 - Python on the Web (Django/Flask)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
1 - Intro to Flask (zero to pro in 5 lessons) 10 60
2 - More Flask, Creation of templates, HTML, CSS 10 60
3 - Bootstrap, Front end design, Jinja & more 10 60
4 - Full Stack - connect to a SQL database 10 60
5 - Full Stack - putting it all together! 10 60

7 - Webscraping: Recreate $8 million covid-scraper

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
1 - Intro to Web Scraping (front and back end) 10 60
2 - Scrape a site & display on HTML webpage 10 60
3 - Covid-19 stats scraper site (recreate) 10 60
4 - For loops, beautiful tables, put it together 10 60

IQ Tests

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - World's shortest IQ test 3 5

Aptitude for Computing

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Computing Aptitude (Beginner level < 14 yrs) 20 35
02 - Computing Aptitude (Intermediate 14 - 16) 15 35
03 - Computing Aptitude (Advanced level 16+) 10 35

Logical Reasoning

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
Logical Reasoning #1 5 20
Logical Reasoning #2 5 10
Logical Reasoning #3 5 10
Globally recognised 10 question IQ test (11-16yrs) 10 20

1 - Beginner: (AP Unit 1 - 4)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introducing Java 20 60
02 - Your first Java Program 20 70
03 - Java Basics and Code Structure 25 70
04 - Variables and Data Types 30 70
05 - Expression and Assignment Data 20 100
06 - Compound Assignment Operators 25 100
07 - Casting and Range of Variables 25 70
08 - Objects, Instances of classes 15 70
09 - Creating and Storing Objects 29 70
10 - Calling a Void Method 25 70
11 - Calling a void method with parameters 30 70
12 - Calling a non void method 10 70
13 - String Objects, concatenation, literals 0 70
14 - String Methods 25 70
15 - Wrapper Classes: Integer and Double 15 70
16 - Using the Maths Classes 11 70
17 - Boolean Expressions and Ifs 15 70
18 - If statements and control flow 15 70
19 - Compound Boolean Expressions 5 70
20 - Equivalent Boolean Expressions 10 70
21 - Comparing Objects 10 70
22 - Iteration - While Loops 15 70
23 - Iteration - For Loops 10 70
24 - Algorithms Using Strings 5 70
25 - Nested Iteration 5 70
26 - Informal Code Analysis 15 70

2 - Intermediate Java (AP Unit 5 - 7)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Anatomy of a Class 20 80
02 - Constructors 10 80
03 - Documentation with Comments 15 80
04 - Accessor Methods 20 80
05 - Mutator Methods 10 80
06 - Writing Methods 10 80
07 - Writing Methods Part 2 10 80
08 - Static Variables and Methods 15 80
09 - Scope and Access 10 80
10 - this Keyword 15 80
11 - Ethical,Social Implications of Computing 0 80
12 - Array Creation and Access 25 80
13 - Traversing Arrays 20 80
14 - Enhanced For Loop for Arrays 15 80
15 - Developing Algorithms Using Arrays 10 80
16 - Introduction to ArrayList 10 80
17 - ArrayList Methods 15 80
18 - Traversing ArrayLists 10 80
19 - Developing Algorithms Using ArrayLists 4 80
20 - Searching 20 80
21 - Sorting 15 80
22 - Ethical Issues Data Collection 0 80

3 - Advanced Java (AP Unit 8 - 10)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - 2D Arrays 20 80
02 - Traversing 2D Arrays 25 80
03 - Inheritance (Super and Sub classes) 20 80
04 - Writing constructors for subclasses 20 80
05 - Overriding Methods 15 80
06 - super Keyword 10 80
07 - References and Inheritance Hierarchies 15 80
08 - Polymorphism 10 80
09 - object Superclass 10 80
10 - Recursion 25 80
11 - Recursive Searching Sorting 20 80

4 - Practice AP Exams -one try only

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - AP Exam question set #1 (Easy) 25 60
02 - AP Exam question set #2 (Easy) 19 60
03 - AP Exam question set #3 (Medium) 15 60
04 - AP Exam question set #4 (Medium) 20 60
05 - AP Exam question set #5 (Hard) 14 60
06 - AP Exam question set #6 (Hard) 15 50
07 - AP Exam (50 questions Mixed) 15 180

01 - Python Certification (What will you achieve?)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Python (Foundation) 15 30
02 - Python (Intermediate) 15 50
03 - Python (Advanced) 15 60
04 - Python (Django) 0 50
05 - Python (Machine Learning) 0 50

02 - Java Certification (What will you achieve?)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Java (General) 0 50

03 - JavaScript Certification

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 -JavaScript (General) 0 50

04 - Unsolved Questions in CS

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - CS Unsolved Problems 15 30

05 - CS Hot Topics

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Big Data 20 30
02 - Cyber Security 15 30

06 - Quantum Computing

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Quantum Computing (Foundations) 15 30

07 - Smart enough for Google or Facebook?

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - The GF aptitude test 10 30

08 - Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Artificial Intelligence 20 30

09 - Machine Learning

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Machine Learning (General,Python) 20 30

10 - GCSE and A Level, how would you fare?

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01-GCSE(Paper1)CompSysPart#1 30 60
02-GCSE(Paper1)CompSysPart#2 25 60
03-GCSE(Paper 2)Prog&Algo Part#1 30 60
04-GCSE(Paper 2)Prog&Algo Part#2 35 60
05-Alevel-CompSys(C1)Part#1 40 90
06-Alevel-CompSys(C1)Part#2 0 90
07-Alevel-Prog&Algo(C2)Part#1 35 90
08-Alevel-Prog&Algo(C2)Part#2 0 90

01-Pre Production

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Intro to CreativeiMedia 10 50
02 - What is Pre-production? 10 50
03 - Stakeholders 15 50
04 - Moodboards and Storyboards 10 50
05 - Visualisations and Mind Maps 12 50
06 - Storyboards and Scripts 10 50
07 - Client Requirements 5 50
08 - Target Audience 10 50
09 - Research 10 50
10 - Work Plans 10 50
11 - Hardware and Software 10 50
12 - File Formats 25 50
13 - Naming Conventions 10 50
14 - Health and Safety 10 50
15 - Use Tech Safely 10 50
16 - Importance of staying e-safe 11 50
17 - Importance of technology in the world 10 50
18 - Data Protection Act 15 50
19 - GDPR 15 50
20 - Computer Misuse Act 20 50
21 - Copyright Design and Patents Act 20 50
22 - Freedom of Information Act 15 50
23 - Environmental Concerns 10 50
24 - Ethics and Technology 10 50
25 - Compression 25 50
26 - Lossy vs Lossless 10 50
27 - Version Control 10 50

02-Digital Graphics

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Uses of Digital Graphics 10 50
02 - Types of Digital Graphics 15 50
03 - File Formats and Properties 20 50
04 - Design and Layout 12 50
05 - Source and Create Graphics 5 50
06 - Tools and Techniques 10 50
07 - Cropping and Rotating 2 50
08 - Contrast and colour adjustment 2 50
09 - Cloning and Retouching 4 50
10 - Red eye removal and filters 2 50
11 - Layers and adding text 2 50
12 - Saving and Exporting 2 50
13 - Version Control 10 50
14 - Creating a Poster 4 50
15 - Creating an infographic 4 50
16 - Creating a logo 4 50
17 - Creating a magazine advert/cover 4 50
18 - Creating a book cover 4 50
19 - Creating a web banner advert 4 50
20 - T-Shirt Design 4 50

03-Web Design

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
1 - Intro to Web Design 10 30
2-HTML Basics and IDEs 10 30
3-Styles, CSS and Bootstrap 10 30
4 - JavaScript, Games and Version Control 10 30
5 - Multiple Pages Logo and Video 5 40
6 - Hosting and Domains 5 20

4 - Game Design & Creation (JavaScript)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction and Game Part 1 10 50
02 - Coding Part 2 of our game 10 50
03 - Completing our game 5 50
04 - Re-creating Flappy birds in one lesson 5 50

1 - Game Design & Creation (JavaScript)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction and Game Part 1 10 50
02 - Coding Part 2 of our game 10 50
03 - Completing our game 5 50
04 - Re-creating Flappy birds in one lesson 5 50

1 - Intro to Machine Learning & AI

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
1 - Introduction to ML and AI 10 50
2 - Mini Project: Self Learning Chatbot 5 50
3 - Create a self driving car simulation 5 50
4 - Making Predictions -who survived the Titanic? 5 50

10 - Emerging Technology

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Emerging Trends 10 20
02 - Quantum Computing 15 35
03 - Artificial Intelligence 20 40
04 - DNA Computing 20 50
05 - Nanotechnology 10 30

2 - Modelling

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to Modelling 15 50
02 - Modelling and Variables 15 50
03 - Limitations of Models 15 50
04 - Test cases for Models 15 50

3 - Simulation

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to Simulations 10 50
02 - Models and Simulations 15 50
03 -Software and Hardware required 11 50
04 - Rules, Formulae and Algorithms 6 50
05 - Data Collection for models 11 50
06 - Advantages of Simulations and Models 10 50
07 - Social and Ethical considerations 1 50

4 - Visualisations

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to Visualisation 15 50
02 - 2-d Visualisation 10 50
03 - 3-d Visualisation 11 50
04 - Images, wireframing, rendering and more 15 50
05 - Time and memory considerations 10 50

5 - Genetics & Algorithms

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 -Genetics and Algorithms Introduction 16 50
02 - Fitness Functions 20 50
03 -Big O considerations 10 50

6 - Neural Networks

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 -What are neural networks? 20 50
02 - Applications and use 20 50
03 - Neural networks and pattern recognition 25 50

7 - Neural Networks Modelling

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Structure of a Neural Network 10 50
02 - Speech Recognition 1 50
03 - Optical Character Recognition 1 50
04 - Natural Language Processing 15 50

8 - Natural Language

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - What is Natural Language? 15 50
02 - Key structures of Natural Language 20 50
03 -Latest advances in Natural Language Processing 1 50
04 -Human learning and machine learning 20 50

9 - AI and Chatbots

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - What is AI? 20 50
02 - Chatbots and AI 20 50
03 - Application and Use 5 50

1 - Amazing Algorithms

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
1 - Introduction to Algorithms 10 50
2 - Pseudocode and Flowchart fun 15 50
3 - Linear and Binary Search Magic 15 50
4 - Amazing Algorithms 10 50

2 - Famous Computer Scientists

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
1 - Charles Babbage 10 50
2 - Bill Gates 10 50
3 - Elon Musk 10 50
4 - Tim Berners-Lee 10 50
5 - Hedi Lemarr 10 50
6 - Katherine Johnson 10 50
7 - Mark Dean 10 50
8 - John Von Neumann 10 50
9 - Ada Lovelace 10 30
10 - Grace Hopper 10 30
11 - Alan Turing 10 50
12 - Mark Zuckerberg 15 30

3 - Boolean Logic

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to Boolean Logic 10 20
02 - Truth tables and logic circuits 15 30
03 - Logic Gates 15 30
04 - Truth Tables and predicting output 10 40

4 - Amazing Tech (Past, Present, Future)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
1 - Ancient and Medieval 10 40
2 - Enter Analogue Computers 10 30
3 - Enter Digital Computers 15 30
4 - Future Computing 10 30

1 - Amazing Tech (Past, Present, Future)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
1 - Ancient and Medieval 10 40
2 - Enter Analogue Computers 10 30
3 - Enter Digital Computers 15 30
4 - Future Computing 10 30

2 - Famous Computer Scientists

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
1 - Charles Babbage 10 50
2 - Bill Gates 10 50
3 - Elon Musk 10 50
4 - Tim Berners-Lee 10 50
5 - Hedi Lemarr 10 50
6 - Katherine Johnson 10 50
7 - Mark Dean 10 50
8 - John Von Neumann 10 50
9 - Ada Lovelace 10 30
10 - Grace Hopper 10 30
11 - Alan Turing 10 50
12 - Mark Zuckerberg 15 30

Amazing Tech (Past, Present, Future)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
1 - Ancient and Medieval 10 40
2 - Enter Analogue Computers 10 30
3 - Enter Digital Computers 15 30
4 - Future Computing 10 30

Famous Computer Scientists

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
Charles Babbage 10 30
Tim Berners-Lee 10 50
Elon Musk 10 50
Bill Gates 10 20
Hedi Lemarr 10 50
Katherine Johnson 10 50
Mark Dean 10 50
John Von Neumann 10 10
Mark Zuckerberg 15 10
Grace Hopper 10 10
Ada Lovelace 10 10
Alan Turing 10 30

Create digital content (Office)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Word Processor 10 50
02 - Desktop Publishing 10 50
03 - Presentation (PowerPoint) 10 50
04 - Databases 10 50
05 - Spreadsheets 10 50
06 - Creating Multimedia 10 50
07 - Creating Graphics 10 50
08 - Creating audio and sound files 10 50

Spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to Spreadsheets 10 50
02 -Excel basics rows columns cells 10 50
03 - Editing cells in Excel & Formatting 10 50
04 - SUM Formula 10 50
05 - Formulas in Excel 10 50
06 - Functions in Excel 10 50
07 - Formatting in Excel 10 50
08 - Creating Charts in Excel 15 50
09 - Conditional Logic in Excel 10 50
10 - Sorting and Filtering in Excel 10 50
11 - Advanced Tips and Tricks 0 50


Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
00 - Project Walk Through 1 50
01 - Introduction to Databases 10 50
02 - Getting around Microsoft Access 10 50
03 - Table Basics 12 50
04 - Customising Tables 15 50
05 - Working with Forms 10 50
06 - Sorting and Filtering 10 50
07 - Designing queries (simple) 10 50
08 - Queries (advanced) 1 50
09 - Creating Reports 1 50
10 - Advanced Concepts 1 50

Cyber Security and Risks

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to Cyber Security 10 25
02 - Cyber Security threats - dangers online 10 25
03 - Social engineering 15 25
04 - Malicious code 10 25
05 - Prevention of threats online 15 25
06 - Practice Test 25 40
07 - Final Test 40 60

Client Server Thin Thick Client

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - What is the Client Server Model 10 30
02 - Web socket protocol 20 30
03 - Web CRUD and REST 15 30
04 - JSON and XML Comparison 15 30
05 - Thin vs Thick Client Computing 15 30

Digital Graphics

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Uses of Digital Graphics 10 50
02 - Types of Digital Graphics 15 50
03 - File Formats and Properties 20 50
04 - Design and Layout 12 50
05 - Source and Create Graphics 5 50
06 - Tools and Techniques 10 50
07 - Cropping and Rotating 2 50
08 - Contrast and colour adjustment 2 50
09 - Cloning and Retouching 4 50
10 - Red eye removal and filters 2 50
11 - Layers and adding text 2 50
12 - Saving and Exporting 2 50
13 - Version Control 10 50
14 - Creating a Poster 4 50
15 - Creating an infographic 4 50
16 - Creating a logo 4 50
17 - Creating a magazine advert/cover 4 50
18 - Creating a book cover 4 50
19 - Creating a web banner advert 4 50
20 - T-Shirt Design 4 50

Email and communication

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Ways of communicating online 10 50
02 - What is Email? 10 50
03 - How does Email work? 10 50
04 - Using Email to communicate 15 50

Emerging Trends

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Emerging Trends 10 20
02 - Quantum Computing 15 35
03 - Artificial Intelligence 20 40
04 - DNA Computing 20 50
05 - Nanotechnology 10 30

Ethical Legal Cultural Concerns

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Data Protection Act 15 30
02 - GDPR 15 30
03 - Computer Misuse Act 20 30
04 - Copyright Design and Patents Act 20 30
05 - Freedom of Information Act 15 30
06 - Environmental Concerns 10 30
07 - Ethics and Technology 10 30
08 - Culture and Technology 10 30
09 - Open & Closed Source and Creative Commons 20 30
10 - Wearable Technologies and Computer based impl 10 30
11 - Cracking and Hacking 10 30
12 - Copyright of Algorithms 10 30
13 - Past Paper Simulation - Ethical/Legal (I) 10 60


Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Control Systems 15 50
02 - Microprocessors and Sensors 20 50
03 - Data Collection 5 50
04 - Output Transducer 5 50
05 - Feedback in a control system 10 50
06 - Embedded Systems 1 50
07 - Social Impacts 5 50
08 - Distributed Systems 10 50
09 - Autonomous Agents 5 50

Game Design & Creation (JavaScript)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction and Game Part 1 10 50
02 - Coding Part 2 of our game 10 50
03 - Completing our game 5 50
04 - Re-creating Flappy birds in one lesson 5 50


Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Hardware, Software 10 30
02 - Input and Output Devices 20 30
03 - Secondary Storage Devices 15 30
04 - Components of a Computer (types of bus) 25 30
05 - RAM and ROM 20 30
06 - Virtual Storage 10 30
07 - Past Paper Simulation -Comp Systems (A)#1 15 60
01 - Introduction to the CPU 15 30
02 - CPU Performance 15 30
03 - CPU Architecture 10 30
04 - Fetch Decode Execute Cycle 10 30
05 - Parts of a CPU 15 30
06 - Von Neumann Architecture 20 30
07 - Fetch Decode Execute cycle #2 5 15
08 - Additional CPU Theory 30 20
09 - Embedded Systems 15 10
10 - Input, Process, Output, Data Bus 10 10
11 - Hardware and Software 10 10
12 - Secondary Storage 10 10
13 - Practice Test 35 60
14 - Final Test 45 70
15 - Past Paper Simulation -the processor (I) 15 50

How Search Engines work

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - What are Search Engines? 10 50
02 - How do we find things online? 15 50
03 - Indexes and Web crawlers 10 50

Human Interaction with the System

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Usability 5 50
02 - Usability Problems 5 50
03 - Accessibility of Systems 10 50
04 - Moral ethical social implications 10 50

Input, Output Devices

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Input, Output and Data Bus 20 20
02 - Hardware and Software 15 20
03 - Secondary Storage devices 14 40
04 - Types of Storage 20 20
05 - Storage Media and Devices 25 20
06 - Cloud Storage 15 40
07 - Practice Test 30 40
08 - Final Test 35 60
09 - Assessment (15 mins) MCQ and Short Answer 15 15

Internet and WWW

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
02 - What is the WWW 10 50
03 - What makes a good web page? 10 50
04 - How does the Internet send data 10 50
05 - Introducing Networks 5 50


Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Types of Memory 10 10
02 - RAM and ROM 20 10
03 - DRAM and SRAM 15 30
04 - Virtual Memory 15 30
05 - Flash Memory 20 30
06 - Practice Test 45 50
07 - Final Test 45 70
08 - Past Paper Simulation - Memory (I) 15 70

Network topologies protocols and layers

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Network Topologies 15 30
02 - Network Protocols 20 30
03 - History of the Internet 10 40
04 - Circuit Switching and Packet Switching 10 40
05 - Four Layer Model 15 40
06 -TCP/IP and UDP 15 40
07 - Ethernet, WI-FI and FTP 20 30
08 - Email Protocols 15 30
09 - Practice Test 35 70
10 - Final Quiz 40 70
11 - Past Paper Simulation - Network Topologies(I) 10 50

Networks for Beginners

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to Networks 20 30
02 -Network Topologies 15 30
03 - Performance of Networks 25 30
04 -Network Hardware 15 30
05 - Client Server and Peer to Peer 20 50
06 - History of the Internet 10 30

Operating Systems

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - What is System Software? 15 20
02 - Software Classification 20 20
03 - Operating Systems 40 20
04 - Utility Software 20 20
05 - Practice Test 30 60
06 - Final Test 35 70
07 - Past Paper Simulation - Systems Software (I) 15 60

Pre Production

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Intro to CreativeiMedia 10 50
02 - What is Pre-production? 10 50
03 - Stakeholders 15 50
04 - Moodboards and Storyboards 10 50
05 - Visualisations and Mind Maps 12 50
06 - Storyboards and Scripts 10 50
07 - Client Requirements 5 50
08 - Target Audience 10 50
09 - Research 10 50
10 - Work Plans 10 50
11 - Hardware and Software 10 50
12 - File Formats 25 50
13 - Naming Conventions 10 50
14 - Health and Safety 10 50
15 - Use Tech Safely 10 50
16 - Importance of staying e-safe 11 50
17 - Importance of technology in the world 10 50
18 - Data Protection Act 15 50
19 - GDPR 15 50
20 - Computer Misuse Act 20 50
21 - Copyright Design and Patents Act 20 50
22 - Freedom of Information Act 15 50
23 - Environmental Concerns 10 50
24 - Ethics and Technology 10 50
25 - Compression 25 50
26 - Lossy vs Lossless 10 50
27 - Version Control 10 50

Robotics and Physical Systems

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - What is a Robot 10 50
02 - Robotics Introduction 10 50
03 - Computers and Sensors 10 50
04 - Controlling Physical Information 10 50


Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - What is Software 10 30
02 - System and Application Software 15 30
03 - Utilities Software 10 30
04 - Open Source vs Closed Source 20 30
05 - Different Systems Development Life Cycles 20 30
06 - RAD 15 30
07 - Spiral and Waterfall Models 10 30
01 - What is System Software? 15 20
02 - Software Classification 20 20
03 - Operating Systems 40 20
04 - Utility Software 20 20
05 - Practice Test 30 60
06 - Final Test 35 70
07 - Past Paper Simulation - Systems Software (I) 15 60

Communication Methods

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Serial and parallel transmission 25 30
02 - Synchronous and asynchronous transmission 15 30
03 - Start and Stop bits in asynchronous T 10 30
04 - Definitions (baud rate, bit rate, bandwidth e 15 30
05 - Baud rate and Bit rate 20 30
06 - Bit rate and Bandwidth comparison 10 30
07 - Exam Practice questions (mixed) 15 30

Staying safe online, health & safety & basics

Quizzes under development/editing - coming soon.


Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Types of Storage 20 10
02 - Storage Media and Devices 30 30
03 - Cloud Storage 15 40
04 - Data Capacity and Calculating Storage 20 10
05 - Practice Test 20 40
06 - Final Test 35 60
07 - Past Paper Simulation - Storage (I) 15 60

Systems Architecture

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to the CPU 15 30
02 - CPU Performance 15 30
03 - CPU Architecture 10 30
04 - Fetch Decode Execute Cycle 10 30
05 - Parts of a CPU 15 30
06 - Von Neumann Architecture 20 30
07 - Fetch Decode Execute cycle #2 5 15
08 - Additional CPU Theory 30 20
09 - Embedded Systems 15 10
10 - Input, Process, Output, Data Bus 10 10
11 - Hardware and Software 10 10
12 - Secondary Storage 10 10
13 - Practice Test 35 60
14 - Final Test 45 70
15 - Past Paper Simulation -the processor (I) 15 50

Systems in Organisations

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Planning and system installation 10 50
02 - Change Management 10 50
03 - Systems Implementation and SaaS 10 50
04 - Installation Processes 15 50
05 - Data Migration 15 50

Testing and Creating Robust programs

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Defensive Design Techniques 20 40
02 - Validation and Verification 10 40
03 - Coding Validation Routines (vb.net and python 10 40
04 - Importance of Maintainability 10 40
05 - Purpose and Types of Testing 10 40
06 - Use of Test Data 10 40
07 - Syntax, Runtime, Logic Errors 15 40
08 - Practice Test 40 70
09 - Final Assessment Test 50 60
10 - Past Paper Simulation -Robust Programs (I) #1 15 60
11 - Past Paper Simulation -Robust Programs (I) #2 15 60

The Bigger Picture

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Importance of technology in the world 10 25
02 - Importance of technology in society 10 25
03 - Importance of staying e-safe 11 35
04 - Data Protection Act 15 30
05 - GDPR 15 30
06 - Computer Misuse Act 20 30
07 - Copyright Design and Patents Act 20 30
08 - Freedom of Information Act 15 30
09 - Environmental Concerns 10 30
10 - Ethics and Technology 10 30
11 - Culture and Technology 10 30
12 - Open & Closed Source and Creative Commons 20 30
13 - Wearable Technologies and Computer based impl 10 30
14 - Cracking and Hacking 10 30
15 - Copyright of Algorithms 10 30
16 - Past Paper Simulation - Ethical/Legal (I) 10 60

The Internet & Computer Networks

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Understanding the Internet 15 50
02 - What is the WWW 10 50
03 - What makes a good web page? 10 50
04 - How does the Internet send data 10 50
05 - Introducing Networks 5 50

Use Technology safely

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Uses of technology in society 10 50
02 - The importance of staying e-safe 11 50
03 - E-awareness. What do you know? 10 50
04 - Use technology safely 10 50

User Focus

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - User Documentation 10 50
02 - User Training 10 50
03 - System Backup 15 50
04 - Software Deployment 10 50

Web Design

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
1 - Intro to Web Design 10 30
2-HTML Basics and IDEs 10 30
3-Styles, CSS and Bootstrap 10 30
4 - JavaScript, Games and Version Control 10 30
5 - Multiple Pages Logo and Video 5 40
6 - Hosting and Domains 5 20

What is the Internet

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Understanding the Internet 15 50
02 - What is the WWW 10 50
03 - What makes a good web page? 10 50
04 - How does the Internet send data 10 50
05 - Introducing Networks 5 50

Wired and Wireless Networks

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
01 - Introduction to Networks and Types 20 20
02 - Performance of networks 25 20
03 - Client / Server and Peer to Peer 20 20
04 - Network Hardware 15 20
05 - DNS, IP addressing 25 20
06 - Web sites and Web Hosting 10 30
07 - The Cloud - with advantages and disadvantages 10 30
08 - WIFI - frequency and channels encryption 25 30
09 - Virtual Networks 15 30
10 - Practice Test 40 70
11 - Final Test 50 70
12 - Past Paper Simulation -W and WI Networks (I) 15 50

1 - Crypto for kids (Beginner)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
1 - Introducing Cryptocurrency 15 50
2 - Obtaining Crypto 15 50
3 - Anticipated Problems 10 50

2 - Crypto and Bitcoin (Advanced)

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
1 - Introducing Cryptocurrency 15 50
2 - Bitcoin and Mining 20 50
3 - Blockchain 15 50
4 - Buying or obtaining Crypto 15 50
5 - Anticipated Problems 10 50

3 - Bitcoin

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
1 - Introducing Bitcoin 15 50
2 - Obtaining Crypto 15 50
3 - Anticipated Problems 10 50

4 - Ethereum

Unit Name No. Of Questions Time Allotted
1 - Introducing Ethereum 10 50
2 - Obtaining Ethereum 10 50
3 - Anticipated Problems 10 50