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DNS Explained

Name servers are used to host and match website addresses to IP addresses. DNS is the main system over the internet that uses the name server.

When you type in a URL, the ISP looks up the domain name, finds the matching IP address and sends it back.

The web browser sends a request straight to that IP address for the page or file that you are looking for.

Every website has a URL with an equivalent IP address.

For example:

In this example:

  1. http is the protocol
  2. is the domain name stored on a DNS
  3. code/python/ is the folder structure leading to where the web page is located
  4. intro is the requested web page

IP Addresses


Read this article.

What are your thoughts on the future of IP addresses? Can you think of an alternative solution to the one that has been proposed?

Additional Reading and Resources

Find your own IP address

A look into the future