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A visualisation diagram is a sketch that shows what something might look like. It can be used for physical objects such as posters, book covers and products or digital artifacts such as a web page, app or computer game. A visualisation diagram could indicate the images, logos, graphics (background style, borders), text (font, size and colour) and navigation of the project you are working on. Use annotations and labels to provide additional details so that your diagram can be properly understood.
What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of a visualisation diagram?
A mind map is a diagram that can be used to develop an idea. The diagram begins with a central concept and branches out like a tree as you think of related ideas. A mind map can help you plan how you will meet the requirements of your client. You can use different colours to distinguish branches of the map and a combination of text and images.
Mind map
What is the purpose of a mind map?