Challenges - Welcome to our Series

Welcome to our Challenges Series

*There are three levels of Challenges (Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced). The power points can be downloaded and completed as a class task or for homework. Each level goes through the key problem solving skills required to master concepts and programming in Python. Teachers with subscriptions will have access to the solution presentations

Welcome to the Challenges section. How far will you get?

Here you will find a range of carefully devised Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Level Challenges to take you through the consolidation of your skills in Python.

Problems arrrrr

Everyone has problems! The world is full of them. There are many different types of problems but through the ages people who have the ability to PROBLEM SOLVE are always regarded highly. Why? Because we don't want problems to remain problems. Problem solving is an absolutely key skill, including the discipline that involves designing and testing programs. You'll find our challenges section will provide you with the skills you need to further develop in this area.  

Get Started

Go to Topics - Challeges (in the top navigation menu) or simply click here:

Get Started now

Go to Topics - Challeges (in the top navigation menu) or simply click here:

What's included?

Beginner - Intermediate and Advanced Level Challenges.

  • Download challenges powerpoint for students - Teacher's solutions powerpoint available to subscribers
  • Go through the Levels for each section
  • Extension tasks included!
  • Power points (downloadable for students)
  • Teachers with subscription will have access to the solution powerpoints.
  • Design section (interactively draw flow charts or write pseudocode)
  • Testing - do it online and fill in a sample test table!

Testing Table

You may want to read a little about Testing first. A teacher may go through some examples with you. Feel free to fill in the test table here, and screenshot it in to your powerpoint. Testing is absolutely essential once you have created a program!
Test No. Description Test Data(input) Expected Outcome Actual Outcome Further Action?
Coming soon!

Your one stop for all things Python. Do look around!

What's included?
Our highly popular lessons series - content added regularly! Don't forget to also check out the "Solve & Learn Online" section which includes hugely popular lessons, challenges, tutorials, presentations, step by step guides and more. If you can't quite find what you need, do check out our very useful and growing library of all possible python Code Snippets
Series 1: includes variables, sequence, selection, iteration, and functions, not to mention a load of interesting computing trivia and theory embedded in each ppt, along with learning objectives, quizzes, challenges, solution .py files, tasks and suggested hw, discussion topics and research
Series 2: covers everything from functions to, lists, list operations, list comprehension, tuples, sets, dictionaries, file handling, read and write from file, including working with CSV files, creating a facebook like application (teacherbook!), using file read and write/append techniques. All lessons include practical tasks, challenges and solution files can be found in 'code snippets' (on this site) or downloaded from the drive:
Series 3: introduces the concept of object orientated programming and the use of classes with Python. Learn how to create your own classes (and objects) from scratch, and understand OOP essentials. Download pygame and create games in pygame, step by step tutorials. Create a class based game in python and pygame. Understand some of the principles behind game design in programming including edge detection and collision detection. Explore and understand the algorithms and maths behind these important game design essentials. Collision detection in Python and Edge detection, boundary detection. A look at class diagrams and UML for design.
Game Design Series -highly recommended as described above and create a platform game in Pygame
GUI Python with Tkinter
Content regularly added
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