
04 - Customising Tables

 1. To navigate records in a table, you can use the up and down arrow keys, scroll up and down, or use the arrows in the record navigation bar located at the bottom of your table



 2. You can also find any record in the currently open table by searching for it using the ____________.

  record search box

  form search menu

  file search menu

  report search wizard

 3. Label the database for arrows 1 to 5.

  1. Table Name 2. Data 3. Data 4. Field 5. Short Text data type

  1. Record Name 2. Field 3. Primary Key 4. Record 5. Boolean Data type

  1. Table Name 2. Field 3. Field 4. Record 5. Boolean Data type

  1. Record Name 2. Data type 1 3. Data type 2 4. Field row 5. Boolean Data type

 4. Sometimes, when you enter information into a record, a window will pop up to tell you the information you've entered is invalid. This means the field you're working with has a _________________.

  invalidity rule

  validation rule

  primary key rule

  verification rule

 5. To quickly edit any record within a table, simply click it and type your changes. However, Access also offers you the ability to _______________ a word within multiple records.

  delete and expand

  find and replace

  edit and subtract

  expand and search

 6. Using a validation rule is a means of ensuring that __________________________________________.

  the data entered into a field is always a number

  the data entered into a particular field is valid (not necessarily accurate, but valid)

  the data entered into a particular field is accurate (no possible options are given)

  the data entered into a particular field contains no numbers

 7. A ________________ allows you to specify a list of acceptable answers that the users can select for that particular field.

  search wizard

  found wizard

  dropped wizard

  lookup wizard

 8. In the example shown below, how could you improve the validation rule?

  You could improve it by removing it altogether and replacing it with the word "Gender" - this would allow more flexibility

  Reduce the options to just one in order to save space: e.g. "M"

  Change the 'or' to an 'And' to ensure stability: e.g. "M" AND "F"

  Include more options: e.g. "M" or "F" or "m" or "f" or "Male" or "Female"

 9. Hannah wishes to have a field in her database which simply records whether invitees to her party are coming or not. What datatype could she use for the field: "Coming?"?

  Currency (to use a currency sign to denote Y or N)

  Numeric input: Long integer

  Boolean data type: Y/N


 10. Can you guess what this validation rule is doing?

  Ensuring that the ProductPrice field cannot contain a 0

  Ensuring that the ProductPrice field cannot contain currency symbols or anything greater than a 0

  Ensuring that the ProductPrice field cannot be a negative number

  Ensuring that the ProductName field cannot contain numbers

 11. Microsoft does not allow fields that can contain objects like pictures, graphs or attachments.



 12. A field or combination of fields that uniquely defines a record in a database table is called a __________________.

  record key

  foreign key

  indexed key

  primary key

 13. Adam is working on a database and in order to save space wishes to restrict the characters available in the first name field. He can do this in the ____________ and by reducing the ____________ to an appropriate value.

  datasheet view / field size

  design view / field size

  design view / data type size

  datasheet view / primary key

 14. Becky's cake store database has the following fields. Why would postcode not be the best option for primary key?
Customer ID
Customer First Name
Customer Surname
Customer Address Line 1
Customer City
Customer Postcode
Customer Telephone
Customer Order ID

  Because it is possible for more than one person or customer to live in the same postcode (it isn't unique)

  Because it has letters and numbers and a primary key must only have numbers

  Postcode would actually be ideally suited for primary key as it uniquely identifies the customer

  Because it is too long. A primary key can only be 1 or at most 2 characters long (like an ID)

 15. A primary key that is located in another table is called a secondary or composite key.