
11 - String Manipulation #2

 1. Characters in a string can be accessed using the standard [ ] syntax, and like Java and C++, Python uses zero-based indexing, so if the str is 'hello' str[2] is:





 2. What is the output of the following code?
s = 'hi'
       ## 2
print s + ' there'  ## hi there

  hi there

  None of the above



 3. Here we have used a negative index. What does this output?
a = "Python string"



  Error - negative indexes cannot be used


 4. What does the following program do?
def add_string(str1):
  length = len(str1)

  if length > 2:
    if str1[-3:] == 'ing':
      str1 += 'ly'
      str1 += 'ing'

  return str1

  If the given string already ends with 'ing' then add 'ly' instead.

   If the string length of the given string is less than 3, leave it unchanged.

  All of the above

  adds 'ing' at the end of a given string (length should be at least 3).

 5. A unicode string is a different type of object from regular "str" string.



 6. What is the output of the following code (for loop on a string)
string="hello world"
for a in string:
    print a

  It is not possible to use a for loop on a string

  It will print out the whole string in one go: "hello world"

  It will print the word: "hello"

  It will print out every single letter in the string "hello world" to the screen (seperately)

 7. In the following program, if the substring is not present, the program will return:
message6 = "Hello World"
message6b = message6.find("squirrel")





 8. What is the output of the following program on which a start and end location have been used to manipulate the string?
startLoc = 2
endLoc = 8
message = message[startLoc: endLoc]





 9. Analyse the following code that uses the 'len' method. What does it do?
def find_longest_word(words_list):
    word_len = []
    for n in words_list:
        word_len.append((len(n), n))
    return word_len[-1][1]

print(find_longest_word(["Python", "Testandtrackio", "Ireallylovelearning"]))

  It returns the last word in the list, which is what the -1 does.

  It returns the word in the list that is the longest

  It returns all the words in the list as the len is set to -1

  It returns all the words in the list that are above a certain length

 10. This program …
def sum_digits_string(str1):
    sum_digit = 0
    for x in str1:
        if x.isdigit() == True:
            z = int(x)
            sum_digit = sum_digit + z

    return sum_digit

  concatenates all the letters in the string and adds them together

  causes an error as it is not possible to add up the digits in a string

  computes the sum of digits of a given string

  None of the above