
09 - Client Server and Peer to Peer

 1. If you work with computers long enough, sooner or later you’ll hear the terms “client/server” and “peer-to-peer.” These terms may seem strange at first, but each describes a particular __________________________________.

  internet connection method

  networking protocol

  router and switch structure

  networking architecture

 2. There’s a huge difference between client/server and peer-to-peer networks. One of the main differences is that a peer-to-peer network has _____________________________________.

  a large central server

  no cables

  no central server.

  no clients

 3. In a peer to peer network: each workstation on the network _____________________________________________ and there is no central storage or authentication of users.

  cannot share its files equally with others

  shares its files only with the central server

  shares its files equally with the others

  stands on its own and is not connected to others

 4. There are separate dedicated servers and clients in a ______________________________

  internet connected network

  wireless network

  client/server network

  routed network

 5. For the following excerpt on Client-Server networks, fill in the blanks:





 6. Peer-to-peer networks should be installed in homes or in very _______________ businesses where employees interact regularly





 7. What type of network is being described in the following description?

  This describes a router-switch set up

  This describes a cilent/server

  This describes a peer to peer

  This describes the Internet itself

 8. What is the following a definition of?





 9. In a school, you can access files on computers in different buildings. This is because they are not stored on the computer you are using but (most likely) on ....

  a client

  a network

  a binary bit

  a filer server

 10. There are different types of servers such as a web server, file server and email server. What is a server?

  a powerful client that accepts network packets to distribute them

  a powerful computer which provides services or resources required by any of the clients

  a powerful satellite that sends out data signals to client computers

  an ordinary computer that requests the services or resources provided by the user

 11. In a peer to peer network a backup must be done separately for each computer.



 12. What are the security implications of a Client-Server network?

  Security can be controlled by every individual computer

  Security can be entirely managed and controlled by the Internet's router

  Security can be controlled by the central computer

  Security cannot be controlled in any way whatsoever

 13. The following are disadvantages of a:

  file-server network

  peer to peer network

  router based network

  client-server network

 14. Select from the given list: What are three advantages of Client-Server networks.


  2 and 5 only


  1,2,3 and 7

 15. Here's an interesting extension question and some additional reading that will help you understand the network architecture is extremely relevant - for instance, in app design. What architecture?

  No-Internet architecture

  Peer to Peer because there is never need for a central server (given the above description)

  Neither architecture

  For the description above, Client-Server seems to fit.....

 16. Skype started based on its own decentralized P2P protocol, which leverages on each user’s device as a resource for data transfer on the network.



 17. What were the reasons Skype moved away from its P2P model?

  All of the above

  Battery efficiency on mobile devices (as all devices would act as 'active' nodes - draining power)

  High volumes of user nodes requesting service and requiring greater security

  increasing number of connected users and being unable to cope with it

 18. The key point about a client-server model is that the client is NOT dependent on the server to provide and manage the information



 19. Websites are stored on webservers. A web browser is the ___________which makes the request to the server and the server sends the site to the browser.





 20. The client side of a web application is often referred to as the front end and the __________ side as the backend.



