
06 - Virtual Storage

 1. What is virtual storage?

  A type of translucent SSD

  Data that is not stored in binary form

  Treating all storage media as a single pool of storage

  An unresolved problem in computer science

 2. Virtual memory uses other storage as an extension of memory to free up RAM.



 3. Who first devised the concept of virtual storage in 1956?

  Mark Zuckerberg

  John Von Neumann

  Bill Gates

  Fritz-Rudolf Güntsch

 4. What are virtual memory addresses?

  A memory address that is randomly generated

  A place in virtual reality

  The geographical location of a data centre

  A reference to a specific memory location

 5. Complete the blank: virtual memory addresses are usually divded into blocks called ____.





 6. The memory management unit translates virtual addresses into physical addresses.



 7. What is thrashing?

  Saturation of the virtual memory

  A type of printer error

  Overheating of the hard disk

  A type of RAM error

 8. Thrashing occurs if the CPU…

  speeds up too rapidly

  becomes too warm in extreme conditions

  spends more time exchanging data in primary and secondary storage than processing applications

  is scratched or otherwise damaged

 9. Thrashing can be stopped by closing down applications.



 10. Why do embedded systems often not use virtual storage?

  In order to reduce the response time

  Because the response time is not important

  Because virtual storage is too complicated

  Because cooling would occur