
06 - Use of Test Data

 1. It is important to try and ‘break’ the program, not simply to to show that it works but that the right values are input.



 2. Typical test data can include:

  Erroneous data

  Normal Data

  Borderline/extreme data

  All of the above

 3. Philip is testing an app to see that it adds up correctly. He enters the numbers '3' and '3'. The numbers are the:

  real number input

  output checks

  CPU additives

  Test data

 4. A test plan is made up of:

  test data

  All of the above

  expected test outcome


 5. _______________ is data that shold be accepted by the system (e.g. 'John' in a name field)

  Normal Data

  Validated data

  Borderline/extreme data

  Erroneous data

 6. _______________ tests the limit of what should be accepted, i.e just above, just below and actually on the limit.

  Validated data

  Borderline/extreme data

  Normal Data

  Erroneous data

 7. _______________ is data that should cause an error or should be rejected by the system.

  Erroneous data

  Borderline/extreme data

  Validated data

  Normal Data

 8. A field on a form accepts 'title' input as "Miss, Mr, Mrs, and Ms". 'Mz' is entered as test data. This would be ….

  Normal Data

  Erroneous data

  Validated data

  Borderline/extreme data

 9. A staff discount can be applied to all purchases (between 0 and 20%). Test data entered is 20.01. This would be ….

  Erroneous data

  Validated data

  Normal Data

  Borderline/extreme data

 10. The field 'Gender' needs to be tested. The test data 'Male' is entered. This would count asL

  Normal Data

  Erroneous data

  Validated data

  Borderline/extreme data