
10 - Interpret Correct or Complete Algorithms #2

 1. What does this algorithm do?
function add(firstNum, secondNum)
total = firstNum + secondNum
return total
totalScore = add(5,3)

  two numbers (always 5 and 3) are taken and subtracted

  None of the above

  two arguments firstNum and secondNum are taken and added together

  two arguments are taken and the total is always equivalent to 5 or 3

 2. The following algorithm prints out the times table of the number entered using a count controlled loop
01 input b 
02 for x = 1 to 100 
03     print b * x
04 next



 3. In the following code, line 2 is an assignment operator/ assigns a value to x and….
01 input y
02 x = y MOD 5
03 if x == 0 then
04     print “True”
05 end if

  Line 03 = is also an assignment operator but it assigns the value 0 to x

  None of the above

  Line 03 = is a comparison operator / compare the value of x with 0.

  Line 03 = is a calculation (division by zero)

 4. In the following algorithm, what is one input that would cause the program to OUTPUT 'True'.
01 input y
02 x = y MOD 5
03 if x == 0 then
04     print “True”
05 end if

  Any real number that is between 0 and 5 e.g. 3.4

  Any integer value that is between 1 and 5, e.g. 4

  Any integer value divisible by 5 e.g. 10

  Any integer value from 1 to 100 e.g. 19

 5. The two programming constructs that have been used in this code are ITERATION and STRING MANIPULATION
	01 input y
02 x = y MOD 5
03 if x == 0 then
04     print “True”
05 end if



 6. Analyse the following algorithm and explain what it is doing.
word = input(“Enter a word”)
count = 0
while count < 3
for x = 1 to word.length
if x.upper = “A” then
count = count + 1
next x

  Counts how many words are entered by the user and outputs the result

  counts the number of letters in the word entered by the user and outputs that count (e.g. "Ruth" would output 4)

  counts the number of letters in the word entered by the user and outputs that count + 1

  Counts how many times the letter 'A' appears in the word entered by the user

 7. The following algorithm is supposed to print out the times table of the number entered but there is an error. What is it?
input b
x = 1
while x <=10 
print b * x

  There is no incrementation (x = x+1) needs to go after print b*x

  There is no error - this code will work fine

  while x <=10 should be changed to while x <=0, as otherwise the loop will not run

  The value of x should start at 10 in order for the stopping condition to work

 8. For the following algorithm, if the user enters '3', what will happen?
input age
for x = 1 to age
print “happy birthday”
next x 

  It will print the message "happy birthday" infinite number of times until it crashes

  It will cause an error because x = 1, this needs to be changed to x = age

  None of the above

  It will print the message "happy birthday" three times

 9. The following pseudocode will accept a password string as a parameter passed into the function, returning _____ if the password is a valid length or ______ if it is not valid.
function checkpassword(password)
if password.length >= 8 then
return True
return False

  True / False

  True / True

  False / False

  False / True

 10. A car dealer uses the following algorithm to determine the price to charge for cars. What is the output if p = 1000 i=2 and a = 12?
01 p = input(“purchase price of car”		02 i = input(“number of improvements made”)
		03 a = input(“age of car in years”)
		04 s = p + (i*100)
		05 if a <= 10 then
		06     s = s + s
		07 endif
		08 print  “sale price is “ + s


  None of the above

