
01 - Types of Program Translator

 1. A high level programming language is …

  a language with a high degree of abstraction from machine code

  a language that can be understood by all computers

  the same thing as assembly language

  a language that can handle more complex tasks than low level language

 2. Machine code consists of …

  letters of the English alphabet

  binary numbers (1s and 0s)

  well known English words

  decimal numbers (1 to 10)

 3. What does a translator do?

  It speaks to the user in any known human language

  It transfers data around the computer

  It connects a computer to the Internet

  It translates one computer language into another

 4. Assembly language is translated into machine code by a …





 5. Compilers turn high level code into low level code (e.g. mahcine code) and save the result as one or more object files.



 6. If there are several object files and ready-built libraries, these will be put together by a …





 7. Interpreters convert high level languages into low level languages (e.g. machine code) …

  line by line in reverse order

  before the program is run

  line by line as the program is running

  at the beginning of the program

 8. Which of these languages is usually interpreted rather than compiled?





 9. What is one advantage of using a compiler rather than an interpreter?

  The same compiler can be used with any CPU

  Applications will open more quickly

  It is easy to spot errors

  The saved compiled program runs quickly

 10. One benefit of using an interpreter rather than a compiler is that …

  programs are simpler to write

  errors can be quickly identified

  programs will run faster

  they use more memory