
12 - String Manipulation

 1. If you want to slice off unwanted parts of a string from the beginning or end you can do so by creating a substring. The following code will produce an output of:
message9 = "Hello World"
message9a = message9[1:8]

  ello Wo

  llo Worl



 2. Note here that we are using the escape character "/" ...the output here is:
>>> spam = 'it\'s only a bunny'
>>> print(spam[0:5])

  \",1 Can you name one benefit of converting user input into lower?"




 3. The ord function gives the ______ value of a character. The chr function returns an integer into ______
>>> ord('b')


>>> chr(13)


  whole / integer

  ascii / integer

  index / string

  integer / ascii

 4. The use of the + operator on line 3 is joining together strings to output: _____________ on line 4. This is called ___________________.

  Joe Bloggs / addition

  JoeBloggs / concatenation

  Joe Bloggs / concatenation

  JoeBloggs / combination

 5. You can also perform logical tests on strings using "in" and "not". Fill in the blanks below.
>>> 'spam' in 'spam and eggs'


>>> 'gord' in 'brave sir Robin'


  False / False

  True / False

  False / True

  True / True

 6. What is the output when following code is executed ?
>>> str1 = 'hello'
>>> str2 = ','
>>> str3 = 'world'
>>> str1[-1:]

  l - because -1 takes last letter -1 from the right.

  o because -1 corresponds to the last index.

  h because -1 refers to the first index from the left

  error - you cannot use a minus

 7. Given that the string variable order = "lobster", what would the value of order.subString(2,3) be?





 8. Landrover has brought out a new discovery sport model and its launch_date is: 8 January 2019. (see below) State the output for the following - fill in the blanks.
launch_date="8 Jan 2019"


>>Output 1 _______________?


>>Output 2 _______________?

  Output 1: 27; Output 2: jAN

  Output 1: 82019; Output 2: JAN

  Output 1: 27; Output 2: jan

  Output 1: 98201; Output 2: JAN

 9. What will the output of the following code be?
def main():

    string="I love python programming because python is fun, yes python is fun"



