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Ever asked the question: " how do I make websites with Python?". Well here is the answer! A mini series (geared especially for students and the absolute beginner) on web design with Flask and Bootstrap (Full Stack - front end and back end design). The series is engaging and unique, assuming no knowledge of command prompt and bootstrap - taking you through the basics through to completing a whole full stack website with database connectivity in just a few lessons.
The final code files can be found and referred to on github. Note the html pages live in the 'templates' folder and the .py files are just in the parent directory. The 'main.css' file is in the static folder. GITHUB: While you can just follow along without any prior knowledge, it would be helpful if you had some basic knowledge of python. This absolute zero to pro BEGINNER series in python (AI, Chatbots, Covid-tracker apps and more) is highly recommended.