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In Object Oriented Programming, there are many different types of relationships which can exist between two or more classes. The most common two types are:

  • Inheritance — an “is a” relationship
  • Association — “has a” relationship

The two types of Association relationships are Aggregation and Composition.


What is an Association relationship?

An association relationship between two classes is a “has a” relationship. For example:

  • Car has an Engine and a Wheel
  • Person has a Leg and an Arm
  • Book has Pages

This usually represents when there are two classes, ClassA and ClassB, and either:

  • ClassA contains ClassB as an attribute, or
  • Instances of ClassB are constructed inside ClassA


Example of Aggregation

With an aggregation, the child can exist independently of the parent. Consider now a Car and an Engine ... the Engine doesn’t need to be destroyed when the Car is destroyed. This is the key idea. The engine component can be retained!

class Car:
    def __init__(self, engine):
        self.engine = engine

class Engine:
    def __init__(self):
        passengine = Engine()
car = Car(engine) # If I destroy this Car instance,
                  # the Engine instance still exists


UML (Unified modelling language)

UML distinguishes between composition and aggregation. (These are often synonymous terms.)

Suggested Video (Aggregation and Composition in Python)