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Prototypes are abstract representations of the system, often focusing on only one or two key aspects of the system. • They are important in testing as each component of the system can be tested before implementing, and to illustrate the working of the future system to the client.
• Fail early and inexpensively – by building a prototype, you can quickly weed out the approaches that don’t work to focus on the ones that do.
• Gather more accurate requirements – interviews and focus groups can fall short because many people find it difficult to conceptualize a product before they see it. By developing a working prototype, you can demonstrate the functionality to help solidify requirements for the final design.
• Technically understand the problem – by developing a functional prototype, you are forced to address both the foreseen and the unforeseen technical challenges of a device’s design.
• Other purposes include… – Resolve conflicts – Rally financial support – File patents more