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Change Management

Discuss: What has changed in your life recently? Do you like change? Why or why not?

Planning for change is extremely important. The way that change is managed can have significant effects on employers/employees.


Change management tries to manage:

  • -Workforce issues, such as redundancy/retraining
  • -The time frame involved in merging the two systems
  • -Testing of the combined systems/new data
  • -Data entry if migration not possible
  • -Costs involved in the aligning of the two systems
  • -Changeover decisions such as parallel running et


Change requests usually originate from:

  • -system enhancement requests from users
  • -events in the development of other systems
  • -changes in underlying structure and or standards 


Note and real world advice: Finally, just because a user requests a change doesn't mean you should make it. Requests for change are related to the stability of a system.

If a change would radically change the system, or make it less stable (or secure) the change may have to be denied.

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