
06 - RAD

 1. RAD (Rapid Application Development) offers a solution by enabling systems to be developed in a much …………………... frame, often less than six months from start to finish.

  more creative

  more neutral

  slower time

  faster time

 2. The following approach(es) can be used in RAD:

  Allocate strict time limits to develop each part - the intent is to make a system that is good enough (not all bells and whistles)

  Use prototyping to refine the system with heavy involvement of the user

  All of the above

  Use workshops and focus groups to gather requirements rather than a formal requirement document

 3. A rather common problem with system development is that there may be a very long delay from when the idea of a new system is first suggested to when development begins.



 4. A prototype represents some aspect of the full system - for instance a …………….

  fully functional graphical user interface with every bell and whistle imaginable

  corrupted user interface, which will show the user the types of errors they will face

  All of the above

   mock-up (design and UI but not all functional)of the graphical user interface.

 5. In a prototype GUI, the user would click on command buttons and see its effect. That button is …………………………...but is programmed by the developer to act as if it was.

  not actually connected to a real system

  is created by robots and not humans

  not connected to the CPU, but rather onlhy to the operating system

  connected to a real system

 6. A prototype will help the user to see how the real system will work and ………………… before the developer puts even more work into it.

  make changes

  delete the whole system

  highlight all the possible errors that could go wrong with the final system

  None of the above

 7. A prototype is a fully working system and it allows the user to suggest feedback and make suggestions



 8. Prototyping in RAD is an 'iterative' process. Why?

  It is not an iterative process. Protoyping and RAD is a one-off single process.

  None of the above

  because feedback may be given again and again until both the user and the developer are agreed and satisfied

  because programmers that use prototypes have to use loops in their code

 9. Generally speaking, it is much cheaper to build a prototype and deal with issues, rather than create the whole system and find out the problems at the end.



 10. The two types of prototypes are:

  initial and final

  CPU-based and OS-based

  evolutionary and throw-away

  starting and ending

 11. The advantages of RAD include:

  Speed of development

  Greater user satisfaction (much involvement with the user)

  All of the above

  Fewer late changes and better quality user requirements (user feels ownership)

 12. The idea behind RAD is to ………………………….rather than getting an analyst to collate everything to produce a requirements document.

  not involve the user so they can be free

  involve the user

  not involve anyone, except the developer

  involve the public (i.e all possible test users)

 13. In RAD, each task does not have to be set a strict time limit - time is very flexible in RAD which helps both parties.



 14. Speed is important in RAD so the use of software libraries, existing frameworks and re-using code is often employed.



 15. The following is an advantage of RAD:
Users are not expected to understand everything they require at the beginning of the project. Requirements evolve.