
10 - Representing characters (text)

 1. One of the main functions of any computer is that it handles text. To a computer however, all data is….
Note: You do not have to watch the video to answer the question, but please do if you are able.


  computer code

  sequences of binary numbers


 2. Text needs to be converted into __________________ in order for a computer to convert/comprehend it.

  hexadecimal code

  python code

  high level language code

  binary numbers

 3. The most commonly used 'standard' or system that allows us to use the full range of characters (e.g. A - Z including upper and lower case) is:





 4. ASCII …..

  uses hexadecimal codes to represent each binary digit (e.g. 1 and 0)

  …uses binary codes to hold either a 0 or a 1 to represent either A or B

  uses python code to translate each letter of the alphabet into something we can understand

  …uses binary codes to represent each character number and symbol in the chosen language

 5. ASCII stands for: Australian Standard Code for Information Interchance



 6. The 7 bit ASCII code gives you 2 to the power of 8 possible values which is 128, so the….

  ASCII character set goes from 0 to 127

  ASCII character set goes from 0 to 123

  ASCII character set can store up to 256 + 100 characters

  ASCII character set goes from 1 to 27

 7. According to this ASCII table what is lowercase 'a'?





 8. What binary value does the 'backspace' key on your keyboard have?





 9. The decimal value of '35' corresponds to what ASCII value?

  The quotation mark "

  The full stop "."

  The arrow >>

  The hashtag #

 10. Standard ASCII only uses the first 128 binary numbers available out of a possible 256. _______________ take advantage of the other numbers
Note: this is called the extended ASCII character set

  other languages (e.g German, Icelandic)

  other civilisations

  other programming languages like python or java

  other computers

 11. The central point is that language and symbols can be represented as binary numbers within a computer
As long as the 'encoding' is recognised by the computer, it will process this and display the correct symbol on the screen



 12. When you press a key on your keyboard the ____________________ translates the signal produced from key's position into its binary code value

  binary digit group

  ASCII set

  character set

  CPU set

 13. Note that a character set is NOT a font and that a different language like Hindi would use a different character set.



 14. ASCII and extended ASCII can only cater for 256 symbols - what happens if a language requires more than this?

  All of the above

  A two byte (16 bit) encoding standard coud be used like Unicode

  A two byte scheme could be used to represent 65,000+ characters

  We would need to use a character set that uses more than 1 byte (8 bits)

 15. Look at the following list and select the statement from the options that is correct
A code unit in US-ASCII consists of 7 bits;
A code unit in UTF-8, EBCDIC and GB18030 consists of 8 bits;
A code unit in UTF-16 consists of 16 bits;
A code unit in UTF-32 consists of 32 bits.

  There is no such thing as UTF as only ASCII and EBDIC exist

  UTF is the same as ASCII

  UTF-8 is the most widely used way to represent Unicode text in web pages (as of 2018)

  There is no such thing as UTF-32