
1 - Intro to Web Scraping (front and back end)

 1. Web scraping or web data extraction is data scraping used for__________ data from websites.



  feeding into

  wiping out

 2. ____________ is a Python library for getting data out of HTML, XML, and other markup languages.

  Beautiful Soup




 3. To web scrape, the first step is getting a copy of the ____________ you want to scrape.

  HTML pages

  python code

  soup library

  javascript code

 4. Online price change monitoring and price comparison sites sometimes make use of web scraping.



 5. ______ is a web framework. This means _______ provides you with tools, libraries and technologies that allow you to build a web application.

  python code



  Beautiful Soup

 6. In flask, to render a template you can use the ____________ method.
from flask import render_template

def hello(name=None):
    return render_template('hello.html', name=name)



  flask import


 7. Flask, according to convention, will always look for templates _____________.

  anywhere in the root or parent folder.

  outside the folder where the main python file is.

   in the templates folder.

  in the virtual environment folder that is held outside the project directory.

 8. When we visit a web page, our web browser makes a request to a web server. This request is called a __________.

  HTML request, as we are working with web pages.

  GET request, since we are getting files from the server.

  HTTP request, as we are getting something from the internet.

  POST request, since we are requesting files that are posted.

 9. HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a language that web pages are created in. HTML is not a programming language, like Python, instead, it is a ___________.

  dynamic language that automatically permits webscraping.

  markup language that tells a browser how to layout content.

  language that allows you to web scrape from other websites.

  language that allows animations to come to life.

 10. Which of the following statements best explains what >> "running on" means?

  This runs a command prompt server which enables quick access to the internet.

  This produces a website for you which is already hosted on the internet.

  This launches a very simple built in server, which is good enough for testing and development.

  This launches a python program that allows the creation of scripts.