
06 - Sorting and Filtering

 1. Access offers a variety of sorting and filtering tools to help you refine your data and keep it _______.





 2. Sorting records consists of _____________them in alphabetical, incremental, chronological, or Boolean order. Sorting can be performed on fields that have numbers, strings, date, time, or Boolean values.



  searching for


 3. When sorting records in alphabetical, incremental, or chronological order, the empty fields always come first.



 4. To sort records, you must _____________ that would be used as the reference. To do this, on the table or query, click a field under the column of your choice.

  specify the form

  specify the report

  specify the button

  specify the field

 5. On what field has the following database been sorted?

  By Model (numerically)

  by Make (alphabetically)

  By Purchase Price (numerically)

  By Category (alphabetically)

 6. A ______ is a criterion or a set of criteria that must be applied to a set of records to create a list of records that abide by a common rule.





 7. To filter records that display on a data sheet, first decide what __________ to use.


  data element



 8. What does the image below show (note the highlighted section)

  This is showing how to show the results more clearly (i.e using a better font)

  This is showing how to make the colour transparent (e.g. clear)

  This is showing clearing all values from the whole database

  This is showing the removing of filtering

 9. To sort the records, identify and click the column header, a cell under a column, a control, or its label. Then, in the Sort & Filter section of the Ribbon, click the _______________.

  Ascending button

  report wizard button

  column button

  query button

 10. Sort Descending sorts your records from ____________________.

  top to bottom

  the letter D onward

  numeric to alphabetic

  bottom to top