
04 - Cyber Bullying

 1. Who can cyber bully you?

  Only people above the age of 12

  Only people who know you

  Anyone with an internet connection!

  Only adults / grownups

 2. Which of these would NOT be considered cyber bullying?

  Calling someone names in a gaming chat room

  Posting embarrasing and shaming images of someone on social media

  Calling someone names in the playground

  Sending hurtful emails

 3. What is cyber bullying?

  Bullying that only happens once

  Bullying that occurs in a public place, like school

  Bullying done by computers (cyborgs)

  Bullying that occurs online (over the internet)

 4. If someone sends you a nasty message online, what should you NOT do?

  Show it to a parent or carer

  Save it

  Show it to a teacher

  Delete it

 5. If someone posts a picture or video of someone else online that might upset them, what should you do?

  Ignore it

  Like it

  Share it

  Tell an adult (parent, carer, teacher)

 6. Which of the following is NOT recommended for you to do online (especially as a young child)?

  Keeping your personal information private online

  Having a very long and secure password

  Being friends (on social media) with people you know and trust in real life

  Making friends with lots of random strangers

 7. What should you do to someone that is cyber bullying you?

  Tell your friends

  Block them

  Bully them back

  Tell an adult

 8. Hurtful behaviour done over the internet through emails, social media platforms or even gaming chat is cyber bullying.



 9. Phone calls, text messages and face-to-face name calling is also considered cyber bullying.



 10. People who cyberbully often don't see the reaction of those experiencing it so it can sometimes be harder for them to see the ________________________.

  impact of their actions

  truth of their beliefs

  happiness that is received

  goodness of their deeds