
02 - Desktop Publishing

 1. Desktop publishing is the use of the computer and software to create _________ displays of ideas and information




  paper based

 2. DTP software can be used to rearrange text and images and for creating digital files for print, online viewing, or websites.



 3. An example of desktop publishing software is Microsoft Publisher, or Serif Page Plus.



 4. Which of the items on the list is it possible to do using desktop publishing software?
Design print communications such as brochures, fliers, ads, and posters.
Design print communications such as catalogs, directories, and annual reports.
Design logos, business cards, and letterhead.
Design and publish newsletters, magazines, and newspapers.
Design books and booklets.

  Just Point 1 - brochures, fliers, ads and posters

  None of the items on the list can be done using DTP software

  Only the last item - books and booklets.

  All of the items on the list can be done using DTP software

 5. DTP software, like Microsoft Publisher can also be used to create and print greeting cards, banners, postcards and candy wrappers.



 6. Desktop publishing is the process of using the computer and types of software to combine _____ and graphics to produce documents such as newsletters, brochures, books, and web pages





 7. You wish to create a flyer to advertise your church's upcoming course. Which of the following software could you use to achieve this effectively?


  Microsoft Access

  Microsoft Excel

  Microsoft Publisher

 8. Nowadays it is easier than ever to create items like flyers, banners and even infographics. You can even create them online and save them to your computer.
Use online services such as CANVA to create your own flyers, banners, infographs, invites and more.



 9. Desktop publishing began in 1985 with the first WYSIWYG program. What does WYSIWYG stand for?

  Whether you send ink will your growth

  What you see is what you get

  What yells sense is wanting yellow girrafes

  What you sense is weather yesterday going

 10. While word processing is mainly about working with text, DTP is about working with the _____ of text and images.

  build up


