
07 - Exam Practice questions (mixed)

 1. Greater the bandwidth, the higher the bit rate



 2. The time delay between the signal being transmitted and arriving is reffered to as:

  protocol timing

  time fostering



 3. A high-latency network connection is one that experiences small delay times, while a low-latency connection suffers from long delays.



 4. Bit rate can be higher than baud rate if more than one bit is encoded in each signal change



 5. What is the following excerpt likely to be describing?
Local printer, scanner, hard drive, - several streams of data down several wires simultaneously

  latency mastering

  serial transmission

  parallel transmission


 6. What is the following excerpt likely to be describing?
Mouse joystick Modem link - single stream of bits down single wire

  latency mastering

  serial transmission

  parallel transmission


 7. How should data be transmitted over long distances?

  Use parallel transmission

  Use latency control

  Use serial transmission

  Use synchronous timing transmission

 8. The statements in the following excerpt are evidence of _________________________
Data skew might occur if parallel communication used;

Eliminates risk of desynchronisation (between data signals)

Bits transmitted simultaneously/together may arrive at different times

The longer the distance the higher the likelihood of data skew;

To avoid problems of cross-talk // interference between individual wires;

Hardware (for serial communication) is cheaper to manufacture // 

Cheaper cabling (for serial communication which is more important over long distances)

  the fact that serial transmission is most effective for short distances and parallel is best avoided in all circumstances

  the fact that serial transmission is not best over long distances

  the fact that parallel transmission would be the best option for long distance transmission

  the fact that parallel transmission is not the best option for long distances

 9. The _____ rate is the rate at which signals are sent.



 10. The system uses four different voltage levels so that two data bits can be transmitted with each signal change. The table below shows the signal levels (in volts) that the system uses for particular binary patterns.
Using this system, the binary pattern 011100011011 would be transmitted
 as the voltage sequence 2,6,0,2,4,6 as shown in the graph below:
What is the relationship between the bit rate and 
the baud rate for this system?

  Baud rate is half bit rate

  Bit rate is double or twice the baud rate

  All of the above options are valid

  Two: One (2:1)

 11. Read the excerpt below. USB stands for Unilateral synchronous bus
This figure shows that there are two printers available on the PC
 and they are connected to the computer. One is connected to port A, 
the other to port B.

The cable which connects to port A has 4 wires and 
connects to a USB printer.
The cable which connects to port B has 25 wires of 
which eight are used for sending data bits.



 12. In the figure in the question above, what type of data transmission occurs using Port B?

  parallel transmission

  serial transmission

  latency transmission

  synchronous transmission

 13. What is the following excerpt likely to be describing?
Set of rules ;
Sending signals between devices;
(Computer) asks are you ready? ;
(Printer) acknowledges yes I am ;
(Computer) responds here comes the data ;
(Printer) ‘thank you received’ ;

  asynchronous transmission

  start and stop synchronous transmission

  latency protocol

  handshaking protocol

 14. The following excerpt is describing serial communication with synchronous transmission
Data is transmitted intermittently 
(rather than as a steady stream);

Sender and receiver are only synchronized
 when data is being sent

Start bit synchronises the receiver



 15. The 'stop bit' does the following:

  allows the receiver to process received bits

  indicates the end of the data

  All of the above options are valid

  allows the start bit to be recognised