
14 - General Overview Test #1 (password protected)

 1. The three main programming constructs are often referred to as:

  Variables, IF statements and Loops

  Iteration, String Manipulation and Arrays

  Sequence, Selection and Iteration

  Variables, Constants and Lists (Arrays)

 2. Which of the following would be likely to be declared as 'constants' within a coded game, as opposed to 'variables'?
Unit of Gravity
Value of PI
Score of the player
Health of the player

  Unit of Gravity and Health

  Score of the player and Health of the player

  Value of PI and Score of the player

  Unit of Gravity and Value of PI

 3. Analyse the following code (Python). With an input of '5' at the prompt, can you predict what the output will be?
wholenumber= input("Enter a whole number please ")
answer = wholenumber *10 

  Answer is: 10


  Answer is: 50

  Answer is: 5555555555

 4. What is happening on line 2 of the following code?
pocket_money= input("How much pocket money do you have left? ")
answer = float(pocket_money) -5.00
print("Well, you owe me £5.00, so that leaves you with   £", answer)

  The variable 'pocket_money' is converted to a float data type and £5.00 is being subtracted from it

  The variable 'pocket_money' is being converted into a whole number and £5.00 is then subtracted

  The variable 'pocket_money' is being initialised to zero. £5.00 is being subtracted,causing an error for the value of 'answer'

  The constant 'pocket_money' is being floated (e.g. divided by 0) and £5.00 is subtracted from the result

 5. MOD: What is the output for print(6%4)?
print (6 % 4)





 6. FLOOR DIVISION: What is the output for print (10 //3)
print (10 //3) # floor division: always truncates fractional remainders. Note using a single '/' would produce a different result.





 7. What is the output for print (3.0**2.0)
print (3.0**2.0) 





 8. The following code makes use of ____________ and the output, for an input of '34' is ___________.
score = input("Enter score: ")
score = int(score)
if score >= 80:
    grade = 'A'
    if score >= 70:
        grade = 'B'
        if score >= 55:
            grade = 'C'
            if score >= 50:
                grade = 'Pass'
                 grade = 'Fail'
print ("\n\nGrade is: " + grade) 

  Indented iteration / Fail

  Simple IF Statements / Pass

  Nested IF statements' / Fail

  Iteration and IF statements / Fail

 9. What is wrong, if anything, with this code?
print('Enter password:')
if answer==password

  There is a missing colon on line 4 and the indentation is incorrect on line 6

  Line 3 should be indented and Line 4 is missing a colon

  There is nothing wrong with it.

  It is not in a function, so will not run. Line 3 should also be indented

 10. What do function 1 and function 2 do?
def  function1():
   while i < 11:
      i =i+1
def  function2():
   for i in range(1,11):


  Both functions are identical and print the number '2', 11 times.

  Function 1 uses a while loop to count from 1 to 11, going up by 2. Function 2 simply prints the numbers 1 to 11 in order

  Function 1 works correctly to print the 2 times table, and function 2 produces an error as a for loop cannot be used to do this

  They both use loops (function 1 - while loop, function 2 - for loop) to produce the 2 times table up to 10. (e.g. 2,4,6,8,10 etc…)

 11. Which statement best describes the difference between a while and a for loop?

  A while loop may not run at all if the starting condition is not met.

  A while loop's stopping condition is defined at the start where as a for loop has a known amount of iterations

  All the statements listed here are valid differences between for and while loops

  A while loop is condition controlled and a for loop is count controlled

 12. Which statement best describes and provides the best solution for the following code? We would like "I love python" to print just once.
x = 1
while x<2:
    print ("I love python")

  There are no errors in the code - it will correctly print "I love python" once.

  The code prints "I love python" 2 times. Change line 2 to: while x <1:

  The code produces an infinite loop. Line 4 needs the inclusion of: x=x+1

  The code prints "I love python" just once, but then produces an error. Line 1 needs to be: x=0

 13. What needs to change in the code if we wish to produce a matrix output with the dimensions of the input number. E.g. if 5 is input 5 x 5, or if 3 is input 3 x 3?
number=int(input("Enter a number:"))
for i in range(number):
  for i in range(2):

On running the program with an input of 5
we get a 3 x 5 matrix. 

Enter a number: 5

  The second for loop in the code (for i in range(2): needs to be changed to: for i in range(number):

  The first for loop in the code (for i in range(number) needs to be changed to: for i in range(i)

  The first for loop in the code (for i in range(number) needs to be changed to: for i in range(number-1)

  The second for loop in the code (for i in range(2): needs to be changed to: for i in range(number-1):

 14. _________________ result in a value of either True or False. In the case of the examples below, the output is ___________________________.
print (7 < 10)
print (4 < 16)
print (4 == 4)
print (4 <= 4)
print (4 >= 4)
print (4 != 3)   

  Boolean Expressions / True, True, True, False, False, True

  Integer division expressions / True, False, True, True, True, True

  Boolean expressions / 'False' in all cases

  Boolean expressons / 'True' in all cases

 15. Explain what is happening on lines 1 and 5, and predict the output of the code.
def mysteryfunction(x,y):
  return (x+y)%5


  Parameter passing / Output: 0

  Function creation / Output: 5

  Parameter passing / Output: 6

  Parameter passing / Output: 1

 16. Analyse the code below. What is the new value (output) of 'matrix' when it is printed on line 3?
matrix = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]



  [1, 2, 3, 'x', 5, 6, 7]


 17. Analyse the code below and predict the output. Pay particular attention to line 6.
def main():
#1. Create a nested list (each list is a row on the matrix)
   matrix = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
#2. print the matrix so it displays row by row in a square grid
   for i in matrix:





 18. String Manipulation: What is the output of the following code?
word = "Python"





 19. File Handling: In the following code, what does the 'r' on line 2 refer to?
filename = "hello.txt"
file = open(filename, "r")
for line in file:
   print line,

  r' indicates the letter that is being written to the file

  r' simply indicates the name of the file (extension such as hello.txt.r)

  r' indicates the letter that will separate each line

  r' indicates the 'mode' - in this case 'r' for reading from file

 20. The append function is used to append to the file instead of _______________ it.

  reading to

  over writing



 21. Analyse the code below for a Binary Search. What needs to go on the missing line 6?
def binary_search(item_list,item):
	first = 0
	last = len(item_list)-1
	found = False
	while( first<=last and not found):
		#what needs to go here?
		if item_list[mid] == item :
			found = True
			if item < item_list[mid]:
				last = mid - 1
				first = mid + 1	
	return found
print(binary_search([1,2,3,5,8], 6))

  mid = first * last //2

  mid = (first + last)//2

  mid = first + last

  mid = first /2

 22. The following code shows a sequential (also called a linear) search. What is the output of this program?
def Sequential_Search(dlist, item):

    pos = 0
    found = False
    while pos < len(dlist) and not found:
        if dlist[pos] == item:
            found = True
            pos = pos + 1
    return found, pos


  (False, 3)

  (True, 3)



 23. In the following code, what does len(nlist) do?
def bubbleSort(nlist):
    for passnum in range(len(nlist)-1,0,-1):
        for i in range(passnum):
            if nlist[i]>nlist[i+1]:
                temp = nlist[i]
                nlist[i] = nlist[i+1]
                nlist[i+1] = temp

nlist = [14,46,43,27,57,41,45,21,70]

  It finds the length of the list and adds 1 to it. In this case len(nlist) would give: 10

  It finds the maximum index number of the list (in this case 10)

  It gives the length of the list 'nlist' in this case 9

  It performs string manipulation on the list to retreive the 9th element

 24. The use of ___________ reduces code redundancy. Hence increases reusability




  IF statements

 25. In the following code (see if you can spot the pattern), if the start number is: 1 and the end number is: 5, what four numbers are ouput?
startNumber = int(raw_input("Enter the start number here "))
endNumber = int(raw_input("Enter the end number here "))

def fib(n):
    if n < 2:
        return n
    return fib(n-2) + fib(n-1)

print map(fib, range(startNumber, endNumber))



