
16 - Functions and Procedures

 1. Sub programs can be used to save time and simplify code. The two main types of sub programs are ________________________________

  parts and classes

  modules and definitions

  procedures and functions

  defs and parts

 2. The main difference between a procedure and a function (and this is for computing theory, so ignore any python syntax and specificity) is that....

  a function always returns at least two different values

  a function can perform many different functions and output the results

  a function always returns a single value to the main program.

  a function never returns a value to the main program

 3. What is an argument?

  An argument is a fight that occurs between two functions over a value

  An argument has nothing to do with computer science whatsoever

  An argument is a value that is passed into a function or procedure

  An argument is a type of procedure

 4. The following pseudo code converts an exam result to a grade using the given boundaries. Is the example shown below a procedure or function?
Function GradeCalculator(score As Integer) 
If Score>=90 THEN
	Grade = A*
If Score>=80 THEN
	Grade = A
If Score>=70 THEN
	Grade = B
If Score>=60 THEN
	Grade = C
	Grade = Fail
Return (Grade)
End Function


  Procedure because it has several functions inside of it

  Function because it returns, in the end, a single value 'Grade'

  Actually, the whole thing is called an 'argument' because it has many functions

 5. What will the output be if the input is '10'? #Extension: Try and code another function called 'multiply' which takes the input given by the user and multiplies it by itself.





 6. Consider the input and output for the following function print(fact(2))>> 2 print(fact(3))>> 6 What would the output be if called with '4' as shown below.
def fact(x):
    if x < 2:
        return 1
    return x * fact(x - 1)






 7. In many languages, a function that does not return a value is called a ________________ (but do see the note below)
>>It is worth noting in python that everything defined with a 'def' is 
called a function, and sometimes functions which don't return a value are
referred to as non-fruitful functions.





 8. Which of the examples below is a procedure?
#Example 1

def square(x):
    y = x * x
    return y

toSquare = 10
result = square(toSquare)
print "The result of " + str(toSquare) + " squared is " + str(result)

#Example 2
def update_display():
    print("Your score: " + str(score))
	print("High score: " + str(high_score))
	print("Lives remaining: " + str(lives))

  Both examples are functions (they return a single value)

  Example 1

  Both examples are procedures (they perform multiple actions with multiple outputs)

  Example 2

 9. What is wrong with the following function definition?
def addEm(x, y, z):
    return x+y+z
    print 'the answer is', x+y+z

  Both B and C are correct in this instance

  C - When the function gets to "return", it will immediately stop executing the function

  B - You should not have any statements in a function after the return statement.

  A - You should never use a print statement in a function definition

 10. What will the following code output?
def square(x):
    y = x * x
    return y

print square(5) + square(5)



