
02 - Computing Aptitude (Intermediate 14 - 16)

 1. Analyse the triangles - what replaces the question mark?





 2. Analyse the circles - what replaces the question mark?





 3. Analyse the python code logic (you don't need to be a python expert). If you entered 'x' twice, what would happen next?
import sys
def main():
    while accessgranted == False and tries<3:
        password=input("Enter Password to continue:")
        if password=="open123":
            print("Access Granted")
    if tries>=3: 
        print("Sorry, you have exceeded the number of tries. Goodbye")
def  quiz():

  The program would crash

  The program would say "Denied"

  The program would say "Denied" and then "Enter Password to continue"

  The program would say "Access Granted"

 4. Follow the logic of the python code.What would the output be?





 5. Analyse the given sequence. What comes next?





 6. The following python code prints 4,4,4,4. How could you get it to print 0,1,2,3

for i in range(x):

  Just change print(x) to print(3)

  Just change x=4 to x=1

  Just change print(x) to print(i)

  Just change x=4 to x=0

 7. Look carefully at the rows and columns. What letter would replace the question mark?





 8. A father said to his son, "I was as old as you are at the present time, at the time of your birth". If the father's age is 38 years now, the son's age five years back was:





 9. A is two years older than B who is twice as old as C. If the total of the ages of A, B and C is 27, how old is B?





 10. What is the missing letter in this series: c d c d d d e d e ?





 11. Difficult: What is the missing letter in this series: b c e g k ? q s





 12. Hannah thought of a number, added 7, multiplied by 3, took away 5 and divided by 4 to give an answer of 7. What was her starting number?





 13. If ADD = 9, BAD = 7, and CAD = 8 what is the value of ADA?





 14. Read the following excerpt and decide which statement best describes the correct order.
Three computers were lined up in a row. The Dell (D) was to the left of the Viglen (V) 
but not necessarily next to it. The blue computer was to the right of the white computer. 
The black computer was to the left of the Hewlett Packard (HP) PC. 
The Hewlett Packard was to the left of the Viglen (V). 

What was the order of the computers from left to right?

   HP, D, V

   D, HP, V

   V, HP, D

   D, V, HP

 15. Read the excerpt and decide which answer is likely to be correct.
In a counting system used by intelligent apes, 
a banana = 1
6 is represented by an orange and 2 bananas
An orange is worth half a mango

What is the value in fruit, of two mangos with an orange, 
divided by an orange with a banana?

  A banana

  2 bananas

  An orange

  A mango