
06 - Stacks

 1. A stack is a ____________________ data structure
Note: The following presentation is available on

  FIFO (First in first out)

  FILO (First in last out)

  LIFO (Last in first out)

  LILO (Last in last out)

 2. A stack is a static (not a dynamic) data structure



 3. A stack can ______________________________

  only have elements added to it, not deleted from it

  only have elements deleted from it, not added to it

  be accessed at both ends

  only be accessed at one end

 4. A stack can be programmed using a __________, for instance, one that points to the top of the stack.

  boolean flag


  binary value

  single bit

 5. With a stack, it is the _______ that was put on to the stack that can be retrieved.





 6. Another word for retreiving an item from the top of the stack is to _____ an item.





 7. It is possible to think of a stack as a _______________ where the first item that was added is at the bottom and the latest item at the top.

  3d matrix

  vertical queue


  binary tree

 8. Adding an item to the top of the stack is referred to as:





 9. A stack can be used to control the calling of subroutines in a program.Read the following excerpt and fill in the blanks.
1. A CALL is made for a particular function or subroutine
2. The address of the line that made the call is stored in a stack (using a PUSH command)
3. The CPU executes the subroutine or function. 
4. Once the subroutine or function has been executed, the question is - "What do I do next?"
5. The original address is retreived from the stack with a ________________and the program
can then continue from wherever it had left off.

  PUSH command

  FILTER command

  POP command

  STACKO command

 10. A stack can be easily implemented either through an array or a linked list



 11. Calculators employing ____________________ use a stack structure to hold values

  Backas Naur Form (BNF)

  simple addition (SA) features


  reverse polish notation (RPN)

 12. The following excerpt explains an example that utilises ___________. This is a very important application of stacks. Fill in the blanks.
________________ is a general algorithm for finding all
(or some) solutions to some computational problems, 
notably constraint satisfaction problems, that incrementally 
builds candidates to the solutions, and abandons a 
candidate ("backtracks") as soon as it determines 
that the candidate cannot possibly be completed to a 
valid solution.

The classic textbook example of the use of ______________ is
the eight queens puzzle, that asks for all arrangements of
eight chess queens on a standard chessboard so that no queen
attacks any other. In the common _________________ approach, 
the partial candidates are arrangements of k queens in the
first k rows of the board, all in different rows and columns.
Any partial solution that contains two mutually attacking 
queens can be abandoned



  algorithmic heuristics

  A* Algorithm tracking

 13. Follow the logic in the code below and predict the final output when the stack is printed.
#Note: The 'append' command is pushing an item on to the stack

  [1, 2, 8, 9]




 14. In Pseudocode, if you perform a check to see if the 'top' pointer is equal to the maximum size, then this would suggest that __________________________

  the stack is empty

  the stack has a top pointer value of x (where x is always <4)

  the stack is full

  the stack has a single item held in it

 15. The following image is illustrating a depth first search on a graph. What happens next?

  C is pushed on to the stack

  S is popped from the stack and H is pushed onto the stack

  B is popped from the stack and S is pushed on to the stack

  D is pushed on to the stack

 16. This shows an OOP python implementation of a stack. What is the output on execution of this code?
#A stack lends itself to the creation of a new class
#Here we create a stack class, where stack operations are methods
class Stack:
     def __init__(self):
         self.items = []

     def isEmpty(self): #if the stack is empty then return True
         return self.items == []

     def push(self, item):
         self.items.append(item) #appending items

     def pop(self):
         return self.items.pop() #popping an item off the stack 

     def peek(self):
         return self.items[len(self.items)-1] #peek at the top most item (it remains in the stack)

     def size(self): #returns the size of the stack
         return len(self.items)

     def getStackItems(self):
          return self.items




  False, True,3


 17. Stacks are an important way of supporting nested or ________ function calls





 18. In the following example, that uses a class implementation of a stack, what will the output be if mysteryfunction is called with "marvin"?
class Stack:
     def __init__(self):
         self.items = []

     def isEmpty(self): #if the stack is empty then return True
         return self.items == []

     def push(self, item):
         self.items.append(item) #appending items

     def pop(self):
         return self.items.pop() #popping an item off the stack 

     def peek(self):
         return self.items[len(self.items)-1] #peek at the top most item (it remains in the stack)

     def size(self): #returns the size of the stack
         return len(self.items)

     def getStackItems(self):
          return self.items

def mystery_function(mystr):
     holding_letters=[]#create a list that will store the string characters as they come in
     for i in range (len(mystr)): #for every element in the total length of the string
          holding_letters.append(mystr[i]) #append each character to the holding_letters list
     for i in range(len(holding_letters)):
     #for every element in the stack, pop each one out
     for i in range(len(holding_letters)):






 19. In the following very simplistic code implementation (python) of the towers of Hanoi, what is happening on line 11?
def hanoi(n, P1, P2, P3):
    """ Move n discs from pole P1 to pole P3. """
    if n == 0:
        # No more discs to move in this step

    global count
    count += 1

    hanoi(n-1, P1, P3, P2)

    if P1:
        # move disc from P1 to P3
        print(A, B, C)

    # move n-1 discs from P2 to P3
    hanoi(n-1, P2, P1, P3)

# Initialize the poles: all n discs are on pole A.
n = 3
A = list(range(n,0,-1))
B, C = [], []

print(A, B, C)
count = 0
hanoi(n, A, B, C)

  move n discs from P2 to P1

  move n-1 discs from P3 to P1

  move n-1 discs from P1 to P2

  move 1 disc from P1 to P3

 20. This question requires some understanding of RPN |(reverse polish notation). Read the excerpt and answer question below.
Consider the following commands and context:

In this context, you are evaluating the 
following expression using a stack: 
(9 3 - 2 / ) would give a result of?

You would start off with the following:

,,,,in the given context, what would the
output be?



