
03 - The role of sockets in TCP/IP

 1. What is a socket?
This optional video introduces you to the concept of sockets (Python programming)

  A socket is a tiny software program that acts as a firewall

  A socket is the combination of IP address plus port

  A socket is the same thing as a port - and is essentially a 16 bit number

  A socket is the physical cable that connects a PC to the internet

 2. A socket can be thought of as a combination of IP addresses and port numbers that will get applications to talk to other comptuers on the internet.



 3. The information in the application layer is the actual information that needs to be transmitted and it undergoes several stages beforre transmission.



 4. The complexities of each of the layers is removed by the introduction of binary seqeuences (injected into each layer)



 5. Sockets remove the need for a programmer to have any involvement in the layers below the application layer and hence make _________________________________

  development of internet applications much more straightforward

  development of websites more time consuming and error prone

  development of internet applications much more difficult

  development of websites completely error-free

 6. It is often possible to allow sockets to be referenced in a similar way to ___________ so that they can be used to transmit data to the intended recipient.

  hexadecimal numbers

  development of websites more time consuming and error prone

  development of websites completely error-free

  binary sequences

 7. For instance, a socket will appear as '' which ________________________________________which may be waiting to receive information from some application.

  development of websites completely error-free

  blocks the request to the IP address

  development of websites more time consuming and error prone

  routes the request to the DNS server

 8. A _______________________________ uses a socket.

  development of websites completely error-free

  cable between a router and a DNS server

  connection between two computers

  development of websites more time consuming and error prone

 9. If you were on your home computer opening 'google'. The connection to google would be: (Your PC: IP1+port 60200 ----Google IP2 +port80(standard port). Fill in the blanks
The combination IP1+60200 = the socket on the client computer 
and ___________________= destination socket on the Google server. (Note IP1 is the IP address on your client computer)

  IP1 + IP2 + port 80

  IP1 + port 80

  IP2 + 60200

  IP2 + port 80

 10. Read the following excerpt carefully and decide whether it is entirely true or false.
A network socket is one endpoint in a communication flow between
 two programs running over a network. ... 

The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 
is a computer networking protocol that manages server authentication, 
client authentication and encrypted communication between servers and clients