
08 - Computing related Maths (e.g. Bodmas)

 1. Computing is a fundamental intellectual tool in computing. Many famous computer scientists like Charles Babbage were also mathematicians.
Note: The computing and mathematical scribbles of Bababge



 2. There are symbols in maths that are obvious such as + = addition, but what is ^ ?

  variable duplicate

  to the power of (exponent)

  ^ doesn't mean anything in computing

  lift up

 3. Just like in Maths there is the ________________________ for performing calculations, otherwise known as BODMAS/BIDMAS

  order of precedence (order in which calculations are done)

  binary only rule

  preferential treatment

  zero law

 4. What does the B in BODMAS mean?

  Anything inside the brackets must be done first

  The brackets must be done last

  The brackets must be ignored

  Anything inside the brackets must be subtracted from everything else

 5. Does 'Addition' come before or after 'Subtraction'?
B - O - D - M  - A - S


  neither - the order of addition and subtraction is the same

  none of the above


 6. What is 2 + 3 x 4?
Which one is correct
What is 2 + 3 x 4?

If we calculate the '2 + 3' part first, we get:

2 + 3 x 4 = 5 x 4

= 20

If we calculate the '3 x 4' part first, we get:

2 + 3 x 4 = 2 + 12

= 14

These are obviously two different answers - 
but which one is correct?


  none of the above



 7. Calculate: 3 x (7 - 3)
Worked Example
Calculate: 3 x (7 - 3)


In this question, we have a bracket, a subtraction
and a multiplication.

BIDMAS tells us that brackets come first, so we calculate:

3 x (7 - 3) = 3 x 4

= ??? 





 8. Mr Pinch says that 2 x 3 – 2 x 5 = -4. Mr Smarty says the answer is 10. Who is right, and why?

  Mr Smarty is correct - he must be smart!

  Mr Smarty is correct because Multiplication comes before addition but not before subtraction

  Mr Pinch is correct: Multiplication comes before addition and subtraction, so: 2 x 3 – 2 x 5 = 6 - 10 = -4

  Mr Smarty is correct as addition and subtraction come last and the answer is 10

 9. If you can watch the video to see this bright young chap employ modulo arithemtic to get the answer right What is an example of MOD?

  8 MOD 5 = 0

  7 MOD 2 = 0

  8 MOD 4 = 0

  3 MOD 1 = 31

 10. MOD in python is %. What is 10 MOD 5?





 11. What is 33 MOD 10





 12. What is 3 MOD 10





 13. An integer can be described as a whole number. Which of the following is an integer?



  None of the above


 14. Which of the following is a real number?

  There is no such thing as a real number

  All numbers are real numbers



 15. (3 + 4) * (4 – 2) clearly evaluates to


  none of the above



 16. For division the / symbol is used instead of the ÷ symbol as the latter is not on a standard keyboard.



 17. 5 / 2 evaluates to ….





 18. 25 / 4 evaluates to 6.25. There are two different types of division used in programming



 19. DIV or // is integer division which amounts to rounding down. In this case 25 DIV 4 would give you….

  Just 6 (as it doesn't count the decimal places)


  5 because it rounds down to the next lowest integer

  Just .25 because the integer part is ignored

 20. 17 DIV 5 evalutes to?





 21. Suppose you wanted to write a program to find out if a number input was ODD or EVEN? What operator would be useful?





 22. Read the following excerpt and see if you can fill in the blanks
Using MOD to solve problems
Suppose your teacher needed help putting people into groups. 
Assume every student in a class is given a number (n) 
between 1 and 30 

The teacher needs them all to be in four groups.

To solve the problem, you could ask them all to evaluate
the following:


The result would be that they would each have the 
value 0, 1, 2 or 3.

  n MOD 1

  4 MOD 4

  n MOD 4

  n MOD 2

 23. What is 2 ^ 4 = 16 (2 * 2 * 2 * 2 = 16, or 24) an example of?

  Integer division: Used to find the quotient (integer number before the decimal point) after division. Python uses // for this.

  Modulus: The remainder that is left over when a number is divided by another.

  Exponentiation: When one number increases exponentially to another. The repeated multiplication of a number by itself.

  none of the above

 24. In Python the operator for DIV is //. If that is the case, what will the following evaluate to? 5//2:





 25. This is a more difficult question - you may want to look up the reason: What does the following evaluate to: 5//-2



