
01 - Computational Theory, thinking and logic

 1. Computational thinking is the art of a human being able to think like a computer (e.g. in binary using 1s and 0s)



 2. Computational thinking is a ….

  way of thinking with numbers as opposed to with words

  way of computing big numbers and adding them up faster than a computer would

  way of thinking about a problem to understand it and then logically working out a good solution

  way of computing things in binary and not the alphabet

 3. There are generally speaking four elements of computational thinking. What are they?
Elements of Computational Thinking
1. Decomposition
2. Pattern Recognition
3. Abstraction
4. Algorithmic Thinking
5. Binary number conversion
6. Addition
7. Subtraction





 4. Read the excerpt on computational thinking (from barefoot computing) and see if you agree.
Exmaple of computational thinking
For example, if you’re going to make an animation, 
you need to start by planning the story and how you’ll 
shoot it before you can use computer hardware and software 
to help you get the work done. 

The thinking that is undertaken before starting work on a
computer, breaking down the steps and truly understanding
the problem, is known as computational thinking.



 5. Computational thinking is not thinking about computers or like computers. Computers don’t think for themselves. Not yet, at least!



 6. Why is computational thinking so important?
Computer scientists are interested in finding the most ____________way to solve problems. They want to find the best solution that solves a problem correctly in the fastest way and using the least amount of resources (time / space)


  time consuming



 7. Read the alternative definition of the stages in computational thinking and fill in the blanks
Elements of Computational Thinking
Another characterization of computational thinking is an process 
based on three stages 

1 - A___________: Problem formulation (leaving out the irrelevant details);

2 - Automation: Solution expression;

3 - Analyses: Solution execution and evaluation





 8. Two important parts of computational thinking are: 1. Logically organizing and analyzing data and 2…...

  Taking the problem to combine it with other bigger problems

  Comparing the problem to all the other problems in the entire world

  Breaking the problem into bigger problems and parts

  Breaking the problem down into smaller parts

 9. Another definition of computational thinking is as follows: The ____________ involved in formulating and breaking down a problem and expressing its solution(s) in such a way that the steps can easily be followed to produce the solution

  CPU logic

  binary arithmetic

  boolean gates

  thought process

 10. What is Algorithm design?

  Developing the step by step instructions for solving this and similar problems

  Developing fast techniques to add two numbers together

  There is no such thing

  Developing binary arithmetic techniques to help the computer add up