
06 - Environmental Concerns

 1. Making an electronic product uses resources, such as __________ . This has an impact on the environment.

  raw materials and energy

  human beings and the environment

  none of these options

  the sun and light

 2. Which of the following would a designer consider in order to reduce the impact on the environment?

  The material used to make the product

  What happens to the product at the end of its life

  The life of the product

  All of these options

 3. A problem with electronic waste is that toxic chemicals such as lead, arsenic and cadmium can ...

  deteriorate and disappear

  explode in position

  leak into the ground and contaminate drinking water

  none of these options

 4. Most countries in the developed world have regulations pertaining to e-waste and that it must be:

  put into a land fill




 5. Some authorities get round the regulations by sending their e-waste to countries in Asia where the regulations aren't so strict.



 6. Sustainability involves making as much use of our existing resources (e.g. mobile phones) as possible, rather than throwing them away.



 7. Products can be recycled by breaking them up to extract as many valuable materials as possible (e.g. lead, gold, copper) that can be re-used.



 8. Another effect or impact that ICT has on the environment is the huge amount of __________ used to power millions of machines.


  binary power



 9. Electricity generation can produce greenhouse gases. We can help reduce demand for electricity in small ways at home by …

  watching more TV

  using the sleep mode on a machine when not in use or switching all appliances off

  using traditional lightbulbs rather than LEDs

  leaving computers on at all times

 10. A ______________ tracks and displays energy use. It may help people to be more careful about wasting electricity.


  electricity board


  smart meter