
02 - Authentication Methods

 1. The authentication process is to ensure that …

  only legitimate users can access the network

  all users can be enabled to become hackers and authenticate themselves

  only hackers can authenticate other users

  all users in the world can safely access the network without discrimination

 2. At the simplest level of authentication it might just involve:

  using a hacker's ability to authenticate

  entering via the firewall

  entering a username and password to log on

  entering manually by breaking open the computer

 3. Username and password entry is the simplest form of authentication. This allows the network server to:

  eliminate all usernames and passwords that enter the system

  check the database to ensure the username and password match before granting access

  crunch all data and dispose of it securely

  check to see if the username matches an individual's ID badge

 4. Username password authentication can have some security risks such as:

  If user's write down their username and password a hacker could get hold of them

  All of the given options are valid security risks

  Brute force software could also easily crack a weak password

  If a password is weak then anyone could potentially guess it

 5. People have so many sign-on details that they find it hard to remember all the passwords. What is SSO?

  STOP SELLING OIL (This is a global campaign to go more green)

  SIMPLE SET OFF (Facebook uses this to ensure it's customer's can never sign out)

  STOP SIGN IN (Instragram and Google use this to stop hacker's signing in)

  Google uses a SINGLE SIGN ON system (SSO) to allow sign-on once and then to access other services (e.g. youtube and google drive)

 6. The __________________ is another alternative to keep networks secure.
Modern day authentication methods
Note: You may have come across the following ....

Once a user has entered their username and password and other
details to sign up to a website, they are sent either an 
>>text or 
>>automated phone call.

The message contains a one time CODE they must enter before 
they are allowed access. 

  Checking Authentication

  Three Factor Authentication

  Two Factor Authentication

  Phone Call Authentication

 7. Why is two factor authentication more secure?

  Because two is better than one.

  It wouldn't make it more secure

  Because an impersonator would have to kill you to obtain these details and that's too extreme

  Because an impersonator would need not just your email adddress but phone or email account details.

 8. Two factor authentication is used by banks and secure online shops. One disadvantage is that:

  It is far too complex for the average user

  It is slow and users need access to their phone or email accounts on sign up

  It is far too expensive for anyone but the richest banks to implement

  It is way too fast

 9. A common example of the two factor authentication is the: ________________________________
Users are given a physical card, embedded with a microchip. 
The microchip contains one half of their authentication data, 
which can be read by an electronic scanner. 

Newer smart cards use RFID tags, which can even be scanned at a 

The other half of a smart card is a PIN CODE. 

The user types it after the card has been scanned,
to confirm their identity. 

  voucher booking system

  email verification system

  pin checker tracker

  smart card system

 10. What is biometric authentication?

  It uses bio (life) signs to check if a user is alive (e.g heart beat)

  It uses or measures something about the user's biology using a scanner to authenticate

  It uses bio (green) authentication such that there is no harm to the environment.

  It uses a biology text book to authenticate for biological signs