
05 - Use of Algorithms (Pseudocode, Flow Diagrams)

 1. An algorithm is ___________________________

  a set of instructions in binary that no one except a computer can understand

  a complex piece of code that a programmer has written

  a plan, a set of step-by-step instructions to solve a problem.

  a type of large computer that counts in 'ithms'

 2. If you can tie shoelaces, make a cup of tea, get dressed or prepare a meal then you already know how to follow an algorithm.



 3. In an algorithm, each instruction is identified and the ________in which they should be carried out is planned



  exact code


 4. Algorithms are often used as a starting point for creating a computer program, and they are sometimes written as a ___________________________
Note: If you have never heard of an obfuscated cloud object, don't worry. It probably doesn't exist!

  flowchart or obfuscated cloud object

  piece of python code or in C#

  flowchart or in pseudocode

  C or Java implementation of code

 5. Computers are only as good as the algorithms they are given. If you give a computer a poor algorithm, you will get a poor result – hence the phrase: ‘Garbage in, garbage out.’
Note:  An algorithm must be clear. It must have a starting point, a finishing point and a set of clear instructions in between.



 6. Pseudocode is NOT a programming language, it is a simple way of describing a set of instructions that does not have to use specific syntax.



 7. Read the following excerpt on pseudocode and fill in the blanks
Writing in pseudocode is similar to writing in a programming 
Each step of the algorithm is written on a line of its 
own in sequence.

Usually, _____________are written in uppercase, 
variables in lowercase and messages in sentence case.

OUTPUT 'What is your name?'
INPUT name #user inputs their name
STORE the user's input in the name variable
OUTPUT 'Hello' + name
OUTPUT 'How old are you?'
INPUT user inputs their age
STORE the user's input in the age variable
IF age >= 70 THEN
	OUTPUT 'Greetings!'
	OUTPUT 'Hiya!'





 8. A flowchart is:

  a diagram that represents a set of instructions.

  an illustrated and 'flowy' version of code, that is written in italics

  a flowing artistic representation of what the problem actually is at its very heart/core

  a series of code statements that describe a problem

 9. Algorithms are actually written for a computer, rather than for a human, to directly understand and execute. In this way algorithms differ from programs.



 10. Watch the video, if you can, about flowcharts. Which of the following are valid 'symbols'
Flow chart symbols
1. Start
2. Process
3. Decision 
4. Document
5. Storage
6. Sub Process
7. Connectors
8. Card
9. Predefined process
10. Data
11. Manual input
12. Sequential data
13. Terminator

  All of the items on the list are valid symbols for a flow chart

  None on the list

  1,2,3 and 8

  Just 1 - 4

 11. Flowcharts are the ideal diagrams for _____________ representing business processes





 12. In pseudocode, INPUT asks a question. OUTPUT ______________________-

  does nothing

  stops the algorithm

  prints a message on screen.

  converts the algorithm directly into binary

 13. How woud you describe this flowchart?

  It is indescribable as it is visual

  It's a simple algorithm to ask someone their name and age, and to make a comment based on these.

  It is a simple bit of programming code that shows you how to ask someone their name and age

  It is visual representation of conversation. It cannot be coded

 14. In a flow chart each instruction is linked together with _______________, to show the direction of flow.

  flowing poetry

  coded genius

  rectangular blocks

  an arrow

 15. Sequence, assignment of variables, selection and iteration can all be shown using a flowchart or pseudocode.