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Sorting Algorithms
Has anyone ever told you to "sort out your life"? No? Okay, well sorting is big business and it happens all around you, all the time. When you do your shopping and have change left over, you sort your money out in order to store it. You also sort cards - if you're the card playing sort - excuse the pun! Sorting, when it comes to computers, is hugely important, and people dedicate their whole lives to finding an efficient sorting algorithm. Why? Because it's all down to efficiency. The faster you can sort stuff, the better. Imagine if you had a million records, you would want to be able to sort through them as fast as possible right?
The three sorting algorithms you will be looking at are:
Bubble Sort, Merge Sort, Insertion Sort
This series will primarily look at python code for the various sorting algorithms, along with an explanation (video or presentation) for each. If you're really interested however, there is plenty of additional information on this topic below: