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If you have a website you need a 'home' for it. In other words, you need a place (or a server) to place it on so that others across the internet can access it. TestandTrack is hosted on a server and you are accessing it from that server. Let's find out more!

Suggested Video

Where to buy a domain name: A video looking at seven domain registrar companies

Additional Reading and Resources

Shared Web Hosting

Dedicated Web Hosting 

Looking for web hosting?

There are a number of companies that offer web hosting and you really do need to shop around to find the deal that is right for you. If you're starting out, however, you may want to look up companies who offer a FREE starter plan with a limited amount of space, which should be absolutely fine for if you are experimenting or just starting out. 

For example, here is an article which lists free space web hosting companies.