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Health and Safety

Health and safety, especially in today's world with increased screen time, is an absolute essential. Health and safety can be considered from the point of view of device usage and also with regard to risks in any given location. In any given classroom or work place, there are different risks and hazards. A hazard is simply defined as something that may be dangerous or risky. Classroom hazards may include:

  • Computers/Electrical
  • Movement
  • Furniture
  • Seating
  • Fire

It is vital that potential hazards are identified so that plans can be made to avoid risks wherever possible.

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Risk Assessment

A risk assessment is carried out by a company as a means of identifying and minimising potential risks. A risk assessment will typically include:

  • Hazard Name
  • What are the risks?
  • Who is at risk?
  • How can it be controlled?
  • Level of risk.



List four possible hazards of working in a computer room.

Location Recee

A location reccee is typically carried out before recording a video to ascertain the suitability of a location. Someone will visit a location to check the following:

  • If permission is required
  • Facilities available
  • Suitability for filming
  • Potential problems
  • Access to the site
  • Potential lighting or sound issues


Personal risks

There are various risks to a personal when working with computers.

  • RSI is a repetitive strain injury is an "injury to the musculoskeletal and nervous systems that may be caused by repetitive tasks, forceful exertions, vibrations, mechanical compression, or sustained or awkward positions.
  • Eye strain Many people who use computers complain of eye strain. Looking at a monitor for a long time can strain your eyes or can make any other problems you are having with your eyes seem more noticeable. Symptoms include: Eye discomfort; Headaches; Sore, tired, burning or itchy eyes; Difficulty focusing
  • Back ache Sitting for long periods in front of a computer is storing up trouble.

No matter how good your positioning, it is important to get up every so often. You should also consider the following:

  • seating posture
  • computer screen position
  • chair height
  • keyboard position
  • mouse position
  • desk equipment layout???????


Safe working practices

  • Make sure equipment is properly positioned.
  • Use chairs that can be adjusted to suit the height of the person using it and the desk they are working at.
  • Avoid glare from windows or lights on computer screens.
  • Take regular breaks.