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Can you imagine a world without WIFI?

Read more about WIFI here.

Read the article on Hedy Lamarr here

Interesting fact: Hedy Lamarr’s greatest scientific triumph was intended for the US navy during the second world war, but is now used in modern wireless communication. Her “secret communication system” used “frequency hopping” to guide radio-controlled missiles underwater in a way that was undetectable by the enemy. 

Presentation on networks:

*Note - some school networks may block youtube popups so cut and paste the link manually into your browser

1. What is the Internet (Vint Cerf introduces the internet)

2. Wires, cables and WI-FI (Video from and Network Hardware (Link to explanation and theory notes)

3. DNS and IP Addresses (Video explaining the functionality)

4. The Internet (Encryption and Public Keys) (Video explanation)

5. Client Server and Peer to Peer (Link to Notes and Explanation)

Networks are an absolute huge and hot topic! You will learn about local area networks (LAN) and of course the most famous example of a global wide area network (WAN) - the Internet! The following links and videos may be useful to watch before you get started: