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User Documentation

User documentation is any document that explains how to use the features and functions of a system to its end-users. • It comes in many forms: books, PDFs, websites, videos, etc.

It is important!

Whether you read user manuals or not, in general, having a reference guide on how to use a system is critical to users.  Without detailed, simple, clear instructions, users might be unaware of particular features or unable to use features that are not immediately obvious.

Suggested Video: User vs Loser Documentation

Key Point

Whether you read user manuals or not, in general, having a reference guide on how to use a system is critical to users. • Without detailed, simple, clear instructions, users might be unaware of particular features or unable to use features that are not immediately obvious.

Keep it simple and high quality

Users are non-technical people, they only need to know how to use the system. Therefore, the user documentation does not involve detailed explanations of how the system works.. The quality of the user documentation can greatly affect the rate of implementation of (how fast users start using) the new system.

Types of User Documentation

• Help files

• Online support

• Printed manuals