
09 - Past Paper Simulation - Translators (I) #1

 1. Programmer, Ben, is creating a program that calculates the area of a circle. Ben is using an IDE. What is an IDE? What does it stand for? (1 mark)

 2. Ben gets some help from Jessica to code his program. Their code, for calculating the area, is shown below. Name two features of an IDE that may be helpful to Ben and Jessica as they code.(2 marks)
def calculateArea(radius):
    pi = 3.141
    area = (pi * (radius ** 2))
    return area

n = int(input("Please enter the amount of circles you wish to test."))

#r = float(input("Please enter the circle's radius."))

area = calculateArea(n)

#print("The area of the circle with a radius of:", r, "equals:", area)

print("Circle('s)","  ","Radius Given","  ", "Calculated Area")
print("**********", "  ", "************", "  ", "***************")

for x in range(1, n+1):
    print(x, "     ","     ", "    ","          ", area)

 3. Joseph is working on a program that calculates employee sales over a monthly period. How could an effective IDE help Joseph while creating the program? (4 marks)
Write the name of the tool and mention specifically how it would help for four marks. 

 4. Hannah is planning to create a computer game using a high level language. State why the computer needs to translate the code before it is executed (1 mark)

 5. Some high level languages have compilers and others have interpreters. What are these used for? (1 mark)

 6. Describe two differences between how a compiler and an interpreter would translate high level code (2 marks)
This question would usually be 4 marks in an exam. 

 7. Describe what is meant by high level code (2 marks)

 8. Describe what is meant by machine code (2 marks)

 9. One tool that programmers use in a particular IDE is a translator. Name two additional tools in an IDE (2 marks)

 10. What is an assembler? (1 mark)