
02 - What is Email?

 1. Electronic mail or email is a means of sending messages, text, and computer files __________________________.

  between people via the air.

  between big companies only, e.g google and facebook.

  between satellites via a central computer.

  between computers via the internet.

 2. At its core, an email is simply a text message from one user to another. It is also possible to send ____________ like images, documents and videos.


  physical parcels

  air waves

  coins (physical money)

 3. Examples of email providers (also called email clients) are:

  Email,Femail and Mail

  Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail

  Phone lines, Physical lines and cables

  Facebook, Whatsap p and Snapchat

 4. Which of the following is NOT a valid email address?


  [email protected]

  [email protected]

  [email protected]

 5. Your email client can be web-based, meaning you check it through your ________(examples include Hotmail, Gmail, or Yahoo Mail) or it can be an application on your computer (like Outlook)

  wifi connection

  super computer


  phone line

 6. Webmail is accessed through a web browser and can be accessed from any computer with an internet connection.



 7. Client-based email is often used by business users and involves the email being downloaded from a server to an application (such as Microsoft Outlook)



 8. Email addresses have a domain name which is after the @ sign.



 9. The last part of the address indicates where the address is registered such as (for the___________) or .fr (France)



  United States

  United Kingdom

 10. Email has been going for hundreds of years. The first email was sent by an old English King in the early 1300s.