
01 - Scratch Basics

 1. What is Scratch?
Note: This video provides an introduction to Scratch. Watching it is optional. 

  A programming "language" (visual) with blocks that can be dragged and dropped

  A website with sprites and motion blocks

  A computer screen

  A computer project created by MIT

 2. What word describes the instructions used to control sprites in Scratch?





 3. What happens if the instruction blocks in Scratch are placed in the wrong order?

  The program would not work as required

  Scratch re-orders them for you

  The program would actually run faster in order to find the order

  The program would be slow

 4. What happens when the green flag is clicked in Scratch?

  The program starts

  The program freezes temporarily

  The program stops

  The program turns green

 5. What two things do all Scratch programs have?

  At least two sprites

  At least four sprites

  Scripts and help menus with audio

  Sprites and scripts

 6. What would you use to change the location of a sprite on the stage in Scratch?


  Stage information

  costume tab

  file' on the menu

 7. Which of these functions can a scratch sprite NOT be programmed to do?

  Write a program (that is act as a human)

  Play music

  Move around on the screen


 8. Which area are the instruction blocks stored in scratch?


  help tab

  blocks palette

  costume tab

 9. Which box changes the background on a Scratch screen?

  Stage information


  help tab

  scripts area

 10. Which area are sprites, sounds and scripts stored in a scratch screen?


  Help area

  Blocks palette
