
19 - Calculate number of bits saved

 1. How many bits are there per character?
Given the below what would your answer be?
An ASCII character in 8-bit ASCII encoding is 8 bits (1 byte), 
though it can fit in 7 bits.
An ISO-8895-1 character in ISO-8859-1 encoding is 8 bits (1 byte).
A Unicode character in UTF-8 encoding is between 8 bits (1 byte) and 
32 bits (4 bytes).
A Unicode character in UTF-16 encoding is between 16 (2 bytes) and 32 
bits (4 bytes), though most of the common characters take 16 bits. This is the
 encoding used by Windows internally.
A Unicode character in UTF-32 encoding is always 32 bits (4 bytes).
An ASCII character in UTF-8 is 8 bits (1 byte), and in UTF-16 - 16 bits.
The additional (non-ASCII) characters in ISO-8895-1 (0xA0-0xFF) would
 take 16 bits in UTF-8 and UTF-16.

  It depends what the character is and what encoding it is in: (8 bits for extended ASCII)

  Always 1 bit per character

  Always 256 bits

  Always 12 bits

 2. In "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers" the total no. of characters is ….

  33 (spaces are never included in calculations)

  44 (including spaces)

  22 (excluding spaces)

  23 (including spaces)

 3. In normal ASCII encoding a bit of text that had 44 characters (including spaces) would require:

  10 bits per character making a a total of 44 x 10 = 440

  1 bit per character making a total of 44 bits

  8 bits per character making a total of 352 bits

  4 bits per character making a total of 44 x 4

 4. To recap: Each character in an ASCII file uses 7 bits, but most files use extended ASCII which is ___________________-

  14 (double) bits per character

  8 bits per character

  4 bits per character

  2 bits per character

 5. To calculate the file size of an ASCII text file, count the nuber of characters, including spaces and that will be ______________

  the number of KB in the file

  the number of bits in the file

  the number of MB in the file

  the number of bytes in the file

 6. Once you have found the number of bytes contained in a file, to find the number of bits you just need to:

  None of the above

  multiply the number of bytes by 8

  multiply the number of bytes by itself

  multiply the number of bytes by 256

 7. The ASCII file size in bits =

  number of characters x 8

  number of characters x 2

  number of characters x number of bits

  number of characters

 8. How many bits and bytes are in this sentence? "My name is Hannah"

  9 bytes and 78 bits

  45 bytes and 280 bits

  None of these options apply

  30 bytes and 339 bits

 9. How many colours can be represented in an image with 8 bits?





 10. The number of pixels in an image is worked out by: image width x image height (in pixels)