
17 - Parameter Passing

 1. Fill in the blanks below. (basic definitions)
A Parameter is a special name given to a ___________ that is passed into a 
sub function. It is worth noting that both procedures and functions 
can take in parameters.
An __________ is the name given to the actual values when the sub 
program is called. 

  argument / variable

  value / variable

  variable / argument

  parameter / value

 2. A function is like a mini program within your program. In the example we define a function (spam) and it takes an argument, ___ in the example and then assigns that to a variable and then prints it
def spam(x):
y = spam(3)       #call it
print(y)          #print it





 3. This function has ____ positional parameters. The output when called on line 3 is_____
def foo(val1, val2, val3):
    return val1 + val2 + val3

  3 / 6

  3 / 123

  3 / Error

  0 / 3

 4. In the code below, what is being passed to the printme() function, and what is the output?
def printme( str ):
   "This prints a passed string into this function"
   print str

#Call the printme function
printme("Hello world")

  This will cause an error - a parameter cannot be a string

  'str' is being passed, so 'str' will be printed

  Nothing is being passed

  Hello World

 5. Analyse the code carefully and select an answer. What is the output here? Note that line 8 is printing (and calling) the changeme function, and passing it the list: mylist
# Function definition is here
def changeme( mylist ):
   "This changes a passed list into this function"
   return 1

# Now you can call changeme function
mylist = [10,20,30];

  You cannot pass a list as a parameter to a function

  1, because the list is not actually being passed into the function

  10,20,30, because the list passed in is the list printed out and returned

  1, because the list is being passed, but the function simply returns 1

 6. What is the output of the following?
def printinfo( name, age ):
   "This prints passed info into this function"
   print "Age ", age

# Now you can call printinfo function
printinfo( age=979, name="Methusalah" )

  Age 979

  Methusalah 979

  Age, Name


 7. The following example creates a procedure called '_______'. ________ is a parameter - it allows us to pass a value into the procedure for it to use. The ____ in the example is called the argument - because it is a value passed in.
#The pseudocode is included as a comment after the #.

import turtle #import the turtle graphics module
window = turtle.Screen() # make a graphics window called "window"
fred = turtle.Turtle() #make a turtle called "fred"
def square (distance):
	for x in range (0,4):
#Running the following code would create a square of size 50 for each side:


  turtle / square / 50

  square / distance / 50

  fred / distance / square

  square / 50 / x

 8. Scope refers to where a function, procedure, variable or constant can be used. They can be local or global. Fill in the blanks below
A ________ variable is declared in a way that makes it available 
to every other part of the program, whereas a ________ variable is
declared in a way that makes it only available within a specific function.
A module-scoped variable is only available with a single file or module.

  local /global

  functional / global

  global / local

  functonal / local

 9. This program asks for a name, and then prints that name out three times. Fill in the blanks below.
name = input("Please enter your name")
def greet():
    for x in range (0, 3):
    print (x, name)

_______ is a variable that is global in its scope
the x variable in the loop for x in range... is ______ to the greet function.
If you tried to access x from outside this function, you would 
get an ______ message as it only exists inside greet
if the same code above was in a module file, then name would be module-scoped

  name / local / error

  global / local / error

  global / local / welcome

  name / global / error

 10. Go through the example provided below and fill in the blanks below.
import random
def rolldice():
    print (number)
To roll the dice, you would need to call the functions by typing:

#If you wanted to have the option of rolling a dice with a 
#different number of sides, you could make these changes:

import random	
def rolldice(sides):
print (number)
Then call the procedure rolldice(12). 
#The word "sides" is known as a _____________ 
#The number ____ in the brackets is known as the argument.

  parameter / number

  argument / parameter

  parameter / 12

  argument / number