
05 - Baud rate and Bit rate

 1. Baud rate is the rate at which __________________________in the communication medium.

  the parallel or serial cables can transfer voltage

  voltage rises or falls

  the signal changes (per second)

  a single bit is transferred

 2. The unit of measurement used for baud rate is called a baud!



 3. 3 kBd would mean ____________________________________.

  3000 signal changes per bit sent through the transmission medium

  3 signal changes per bit

  3000 signal changes per second

  3 signal changes per millisecond

 4. Baud rate is essentially the exact same thing as Bit rate, but the terms are used interchangeably.



 5. One signal change is always exactly the same thing as sending one single bit (which is what makes Baud rate and bit rate the same, in essence)



 6. It is possible for one signal change to be cleverly manipulated to represent more than one bit.



 7. If we take a voltage of a wire to determine the bit pattern we could use different voltages to signify more than one bit.



 8. Have a look at the table below. What statement is most accurate.

  None of these answers are valid

  If we take a voltage of wire to determine the bit rate, then a single voltage could be used to identify a single bit

  If we take a voltage of wire to determine the bit pattern we could use different voltages to signify more than one bit. E.g. we could detect between 0 and 7.5 volts to convey more than one bit at a time

  The table demonstrates clearly that is is never possible to use different voltages to signify more than one bit

 9. Bit rate is the number of bits that can be ___________________________________________

  transmitted per millisecond

  transmitted per second

  transmitted for every millisecond of bandwidth used

  transmitted per baud rate bit

 10. The units of measurement used for bit rate are:



  All of these answers are valid


 11. 5600 bps (bits per second) means that:

  5600 bytes of data can be transferred per second

  5600 bits of data can be transferred per millisecond

  5600 bits of data can be transferred per second

  5600 bits of data can be transferred per byte

 12. The formula for bit rate is:

  baud rate x 2 / bit rate

  bit rate / baud rate x 2

  baud rate x bits per baud

  bit rate x 2

 13. Bandwidth is also measured in bits per second and is considered the useful bit rate.



 14. Bit rate can be _______ than baud rate if more than one bit is encoded in each signal change




  more expensive

 15. In a particular communications system, eight different voltage levels are used to encode the value of groups of bits. Each voltage level encodes the value of one group of bits
Given that eight different voltage levels are used,
 how many bits can be in a group that is encoded by a 
voltage level?





 16. Which of the following defines baud rate?

  rate at which voltage changes

  rate at which signals are sent

  All of the answers listed are valid

  One baud is the number signal/voltage changes per second

 17. Number of bits per second / bits per unit of time =

  baud rate

  bit rate

  bandwidth time

  serial rate

 18. The bit rate can also be accurately described as the rate at which signals are sent.



 19. What do the statements in the following excerpt suggest?
A signal can contain one or more bits;
Bit rate can be higher than baud rate;
Bit rate = baud rate * number of bits per signal change;;

  … that the baud rate and the bit rate of a communication channel may be different

  that the baud rate is always equal to the bit rate

  that the baud rate is always inversely proportiate to the bit rate

  that the baud rate and the bit rate of a communication channel will always be the same

 20. It is not possible for a signal to contain one or more bits