
01 - Finite State Machines #1

 1. Finite state machines are a simple, intuitive way of capturing _______________.

  events that are bound by functions

  real-life events

  time-bound events

  infinite events

 2. Finite state machines are often used as a tool by programmers to _______ and formalise the operation of programs.





 3. An example of a "device" that has been designed by using finite state machines is:

  Traffic Lights

  Analogue Clock

  Mobile phone case


 4. Finite machines can also be used as an ____________________________ to describe the operation of Turing machines.

  alarming recursive routine

  absorptive rule

  abrasive function

  abstract concept

 5. A finite state machine is described by: (which of the following apply?)
1. A set of states
2. A start state
3. Possibly a set of final states
4. Transition function/table
5. Input alphabet

  Only 1,2 and 5 are valid

  None of the listed options are valid

  Just 1,2,3 and 5 are valid

  All of the listed options are valid

 6. A finite state machine is described by an input alphabet. This defines _____________________________

  only the impossible input events

  a single input event by which means we can finitely test the system

  all the possible input events

  up to 2 (binary) input events

 7. Finite state machines can be represented graphically using:

  state transition diagrams

  Transition circle diagrams

  finite state central diagrams

  state input diagrams

 8. State transition diagrams consist of states and transitions.



 9. Generally speaking states are represented by arrows and transitions are represented by circles.



 10. A finite state machine has output but is never depicted showing the input.



 11. Finite automata are often used in the frontend of programming language compilers. Such a frontend may comprise several finite state machines that implement a ____________________

  recursive subroutine

  iterative function (usually nested)

  CPU and RAM filament

  lexical analyzer and a parser.

 12. An example of a "device" that has been designed using FSM could be a controller that opens an automatic door.
Regulation would be required to control when the door opens and when it shuts



 13. In this diagram, the states have been encoded using _________________________. The sensors have also been encoded using _____________.

  boolean variables

  on bits (1s)

  local variables

  a single bit

 14. Have a look at the following formula for a door controller. Which of the following statements is likely to be true (with FSM in mind)

  None of the listed options are valid answers.

  the input (next state) depends on the current state

  The input (current state) depends on the current state

  The output (next state) depends on the current state

 15. Suppose you were given the example of a vending machine. What would you do first to convert this FSM to a circuit?

  Determine a boolean expression that defines the transition of states and put it in a table

  Determine an encoding for the states and create boolean expressions for the transition function

  Determine an encoding for the transition function and create the states as local constants

  Determine an encoding for the boolean expression and then create a transition table