
04 - Definitions (backtracking, heuristics etc)

 1. An example of this technique is Quick Sort.




  Divide and Conquer

 2. ___________is a powerful tool that gives us the ability to branch while iterating.


  Divide and Conquer

  Nested Selection


 3. ____________ involves setting up a constraint and eliminating obvious dead-end solutions based on that constraint.

  Divide and Conquer


  Nested Selection


 4. Understanding of ___________ leads us to the solutions that work but we might suspect are not the best; in other words, they satisfy all constraints but are not optimal.



  divide and conquer algorithms


 5. ___________ refers to a search for patterns in a set of data.

  Linear searching

  Quick searching

  Data abstraction

  Data mining

 6. This is the process of breaking down a complex problem into smaller problems, each of which is simple enough to solve.





 7. __________ is used by a programmer in order to focus only on the important details and leave out the irrelevant ones.





 8. Quick sort is an example of a ___________ algorithm.

  divide and conquer

  multiply and destroy


  self calling

 9. A binary search can potentially be helped by constructing a binary tree.



 10. ___________ is another way of looking for patterns and the use of infographics and sophisticated graphing theory makes data mining much easier



